Mood Meter
Restless, troubled, peeved and worried
scattered in my thoughts and dreams
Walk in
no sleep
drained, mopey, down
then I see you walking around
clipboard in hand
ready to note my mistakes
Fuming, repulsed, nervous, frustrated
In and out with such haste
notepad full
observation done
quiet, calm
until another one.
Why am I here?
So sad, scared, and full of fear.
I can't escape the thoughts in my head.
Fear of failure,
afraid to start, afraid to stop,
Afraid to show myself in art.
Looking to show more of my heart.
Can't shake it.
It's always there.
Creeping, lurking, behind every corner of my mind.
I can't escape the fear inside.
What changed?
Seriously, what changed?
Was it something I said or did?
Did I offend? Forget to mend?
I wish I was a little less selfish.
Selfish? Maybe it was YOU.
Why am I so hard on myself, when YOU played a role too!
Why are you so unaware of my sad and tired stare?
My gaze is blank.
Our friendship tanked.
Was it me or was it you?
I'm owning up to my part. When are you going to start?
The Visit
All day long, nonstop.
No breaks.
Always on the move.
What a chaotic morning! My class and I just walk in.
Finally get settled, and the three bosses show up with grins.
Walking around, notepad, tablets out.
Searching for something to doubt.
"What is the purpose? What will they do with these?"
" Well, they are 5 making puppets you see. They are having fun and building their comprehension"
Someone is not satistified with the tension.
" But why doesn't each group have a copy of the book?"
I take a deep breath, and politley said, " Look,
I just don't have enough you see. "
I wish the day would just end right then and there.
"GET OUT!" I said in my head. "LEAVE and let us be! We are having fun with our project, GEE!!"
Oh no, the day was far from over. You wanted to meet me and my team later that day.
What time is good, was never asked. Our lunch was taken away to complete this task.
Hungry. Stomach grumbling. My team approaches your office door.
"Five minutes more," you asked as food crumbles on your floor.
Walk back, heads down. Can't say a thing.
Ten miuntes later, maybe it was twelve, you walk into the room with a ding.
Six ladies waiting with lumps in our chests.
You ask about this and that, glad you are enjoying this little chat.
"More rubrics, checklists, DATA. Yes!" you say.
No. Just go away.
Just leave us to teach. We do great work.
Our kids are all smiles throughout the day.
Please, let this pressure go away.
Give us more resources, more guidance, okay?
Our students are not numbers, but humans beings.
We all have feelings.
You walk out the door.
We all take a breath.
Back to work.
See you the next time you visit.