The You That I Knew
Don’t worry,
I shall remember.
I have bottled everything up tightly.
The sound waves of your favorite songs hum safely tucked in a yellow jar.
Drops of blue from your eyes swim lazily in a crystal vial.
Blades of grass that furnished your stargazing spot sleep in a wooden box.
Don’t worry,
my one and only lonely star,
a museum of you
sits in my heart.
The you that I knew
lives on in my soul.
inspired by “Falling Off” by Saintseneca and “Mansion Door” by Shakey Graves
Moonrise I
i wonder
if Odysseus,
upon returning to his door,
saw poor Penelope and thought only
of how she had changed
and was different?
did Gatsby,
while watching red ribbons leap from
his chest,
curse the songbird in Daisy's throat?
do pirates,
amidst a clash of swords,
drop their heads and ponder
if the treasure is worth
the trouble?
The Kind of Love I Long For
You have green eyes. Not the kind of green that the grass is, though. It's the green that tints the clouds when a storm is on its way. More a feeling than a color, I guess.
You have this one freckle that's right under your right eye. Right where your lower eyelashes begin. It's magnified like the stars through a telescope when your eyes water, for whatever reason- happy or sad.
There's a tiny scar on your forehead from the time you were jumping on the bed and slipped, hitting your head on the bedside table. You can only see it once you point it out and tell the story.
You bite your lip a lot. Like when you're thinking really hard about something that happened awhile back. Or when you're nervous about something that may or may not happen. You complain about the taste of blood in your mouth, and you ask me for gum.
You're different when it rains. More alive. In a crowd of morose people waiting for the sun, you're the one dancing and singing like wild. You beg the clouds to stay forever.
Favorites from my Quote Journals
“I’maseventhsonofaseventhsonbawnwithacauloverbotheyesandraisedonblackcatboneshigh- johntheconquerorandgreasygreens-′ he spieled with twinkling eyes, his lips working rapidly. ’You dig me, daddy?”
-Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
“Won’t we be quite the pair? -you with your bad heart, me with my bad head. Together, though, we might have something worthwhile.”
-Zelda Fitzgerald
“I loved your crooked sleep beside me and never dreamed afraid. There should be stars for great wars like ours.”
-Sandra Cisneros