second chances
if the world
rested upon my shaking hands,
i would set it upon a steady table.
i would snatch up all the
and such.
i would implant a
happy little seed
into their narrow minds
about the idea of acceptance.
and then they can start their life over.
if seen, because they will be watched carefully,
guilty of the same disgusting crimes,
i’ll kill them.
just like that
“she just disappeared,” they’ll remark.
“where did he go?” they’ll question.
and i’ll smile.
they would have had their not one,
but two,
chances, after all.
and as the generations go on,
people will forget that those terrible creatures
ever graced this land.
they'll live
in the rainbows and sunshine that
everyone deserves.
if i could,
that would be my creation of a world.