The day I saw your empty hands,
Along the side of the road,
My life changed drastically.
Most people drive by in their Mercedes,
But I stopped and opened the door.
I was young and felt I could help,
Isn’t that what people should do,
Help others when they can?
You seemed young as well,
And as I drove to my apartment,
I questioned you.
This could have been a terrible mistake,
The thought of inviting a stranger into your life,
And giving him a home terrifies most.
I just had this feeling,
That I should help you.
All you said, was you didn’t know your name,
And your parents had died,
Leaving you nothing and nobody.
Luckily for me,
You were a decent person.
I had never dreamed of sharing what I had,
But at that time I did share,
You became someone important.
Soon I began to look for a way to find your papers,
Somewhere there had to be something,
A birth certificate or some sort of record.
After a year I made a success,
And we were married three months later.
Time continues on,
Our children start school.
Then one day I awake,
And you are gone,
At first I though,
You must have gone to,
The bathroom.
After an hour I still don’t see you,
I ask the children they haven’t either.
This is when I begin to worry,
You never did get a job,
At least not a permanent one.
A day later I report you missing to the police,
Nothing comes back.
Years later no news.
My children have grown up,
They are out of college,
They have their own families.
I still miss you.
I climb in my old Mercedes,
Grey hair framing,
My always stressed face.
Driving down the same road,
I picked you up on,
My hands shake on the wheel.
Empty hands reach out.
I pull over and this time climb out,
I reach towards the cupped hands,
And see a familiar face.
I have found you.