It was always you
I yearn for those moments when I fall to sleep. I wake up in a place, where you are still here. Perhaps it is my soul visiting other worlds'. At least I entertain the idea in my mind. Though when I wake, I find my arms begging to hold you. If only I could rest for a few more minutes...
My savior
They stood there waiting. I could not quite see their face clearly, though I felt if I could reach them I would be saved. Running towards them begging them to reach out and pull me from the abyss. Why did they refuse to help? Could they not see me struggling in front of them? I cried out and heard no response, I cried out tears, but still found no answer. I broke down to my knees and begged, but still, they did not budge. I cried until my cries died down and gave way to silence. It was then when I could not stand my despair any longer that I brought myself to my feet. Then in the distance, the figure's face lit up and I could see a smile. It was me! I was looking at myself, the only one who could save me.