I've been staring at her lying still for so long (she's so still)
Waiting for this endless night to color into dawn (it's never ending)
But it's never lifting, always shifting, no one can breathe
It holds me under, and this drags down you (it drags you down)
This breaks what was made one into two
Beat, happy stars, timing with things below; Beat with my heart more blessed than heart can tell; Blessed, but for some dark undercurrent of woe; That seems to draw, but it shall not be so: Let all be well, be well.
Only embers remain, refusing to fade
There's still light to find our way
Only embers remain, black turning to gray
There's still light to find our way
Only embers remain
The Night's a city of ashes and ghostly fears;
Waiting for this desert to be rid of dust and tears.
As the Days Turn to Memories
I go back to an empty room,
where each ray of light is a black wound.
I go back to an empty room,
where comfort lies bleeding.
I go back to an empty room,
where only the walls are home.
I go back to an empty room,
where smiles get bent out of shape.
I go back to an empty room,
where thoughts are twisted into knots.
I go back to an empty room,
where stale traces blossom.
I go back to an empty room,
where dead silence grows.
I go back to an empty room,
and sit with the ghosts of sleep.
I go back to an empty room,
where dead fears dwell.
I go back to an empty room,
where phantoms find form.
I go back to an empty room,
Stuffed, cramped and seething with my mistakes.
I go back to a daily tomb
As the days turn to memories.
By A. Guy
Constant Change
Constant Change
'It's terrible beauty,' muttered a sage,
'It is a terrible beauty, this old age.'
His breath stank of metallic must.
His coat was dressed in a coat of dust.
'Alley cats fight over a dying world. It's just..
Uhuh,' stormed a loaded cough, 'it's just!'
Cold spoke through the holes of his fingerless gloves.
His shoulders shook and shuddered like shivering doves.
His brownish white hair on edge stood,
like snakes scavenging for unsoiled food.
'Beauty sleeps in strange places.
Beauty is a ship lost at sea; sinking; hiding; hoping.'
Pupils kept bouncing between the walls of his blood-crawled eyes;
chasing a ghostly bottle and two glasses, meagre in size.
'I have measured time with lost sleeps.
I have measured distance with trails of tears'.
His broom-like arms were stuck to a table of awful pine.
He poured his sorrows into a glass; in the other, mine.
A pauper's beard choked the outline of his face;
Covering what was left of a sad smile: a thin trace.
He raised two fingers to his forehead and started laughing;
a forehead that was dismally pink with the pain of coughing.
'Don't expect change from a whore,
and don't expect life to be fair.
Not everything happens for a reason,
and life happens only for a season.'
His eyes coiled like empty rings shimmering in sheer darkness.
The bottom of his glass spanked the pine in a heartless caress.
'You can't make history without making mistakes.'
A tremor snuck to the edges of his lips,
and curved slowly them into a bow's tips.
His voice broke.
His cheeks began to soak.
'I had expectations, you see.
Things are not always as they appear to be.
I caught a glimpse of her once on a train.
Thought I went mad! Thought I was insane.
She wore dark boots and a darker scowl.
I stopped and waved and smiled.
I waved to the back of her coat.
(Mon amie) I said (do you remember me?)
She turned her neck and hurled a look -
the kind you'd find in a tattered book -
that shot straight through me like an arrow.
It was a speeding bullet from a range close and narrow.
Her shoulders shrugged as her neck was turning back.
Back - Back - Back - Back!
Funny how that word sounds, like a dime-filled sack.
It was as if her careless glance carved
gaping worlds and worlds between us.
I stared at the back of her coat as it bobbled away.
I shouted like a raven into barren night.
(Mon amie, don't you recognise me?
I walked by you when no one else dared to stand.
I who waded through thousands of your red living hells,
have barely caught a broken, blurred glance of your gloomy paradise.
I was your shadow when everything else was afraid of the sun.
I who stared and glared at the watery mirror of your soul,
for years and years on end,
Could barely recognise my faded reflection).
She was gone.'
One end of a pathetic fishing tether was wrapped around his leg;
the other, around the neck of a whimpering bitch he called Meg.
She had eyebrows longer than her tail.
Her muzzle was more acute than a boat's sail.
She buried her muzzle into a pigsty of a floor,
Closely heeding the ticks and clicks above the door.
'Dreams cost money,
Hell! They cost a damn fortune,
but they make us a little less broken.
They bleed us dry,
but Dreams are what make us whole.'
A rumble bellowed from his hunger-stricken gut.
He wired his swollen jaw tightly shut.
An alien voice swam across the stark darkness of the bar,
like the great sparkle that breaks from a raging, shooting star:
'Bottom's up! Life's too short.'
A glimmer flickered through the old man's eye,
like fire that was born yet soon about to die.
'No!' He shrieked while shooting his finger to the ceiling,
Standing and wringing the dog's neck in agonised feeling.
'Life is very long.
It's living that's short.
Living is short.
Living is short, and then we die.
You can't defeat the quicksands of age.
You can't resist them.
You can't fight the winds of change.
Don't give up. Just lose like a winner.
End the race with the breath of a fresh beginner.
Everything changes. Everything's changing.
The world runs forward like a river in constant change.
You can't scroll up the same Twitter Feed twice,
any more than you can step in the same river twice.
Change is old: Old as time and old as sin,
and bids new lives in old forms to begin.'
He then looked entreatingly down.
His dog still wore a long frown.
He grabbed the chair's belly, dragging it to his knees.
The chair howled like a she-wolf at unease.
He carried the dog on his lap.
He pat her back. Tap! Tap! Tap!
The dog lifted her downcast head,
like one who was risen form the dead.
'Each paints a different picture of truth.
Each imagines a unique drawing of reality.
Yes! Reality is the work of imagination.
It's a devil that creeps without invitation.'
He clapped his eyes shut like one who was blind,
and in darkness saw light second to none of its kind.
'To the sand-stormed deserts of troubled minds,
Peace is calming rain.
Peace is a castaway heaven that gets further time and again.'
Barely able to stifle a murky fog of sighs,
rapid fists drummed his chest, wishing he dies.
'It's marvellous!' he sobbed, like a prisoner in a cage.
'It is a marvellous waste, this dying wreck of an age.'
Loneliness, indeed, is a dangerous thing;
TV voices that keep you company and sing,
Unless door bells go crazy and start to ring.
By A. Guy
Wreckage of History
It's not me thinking this.
It's not me writing this.
The words are just pouring into my thoughts,
like a Nile that pours into a sea that knows no bounds.
Am I possessed by some lovely demon?
Am I haunted by a ruthless, relentless ghost?
To this monstrous beauty, my arm raises a toast.
I smile when I think of her.
Her voice throws me into worlds of wonder.
The twinkle in her eyes; the sparkle between her lips
are dizzying sirens to a heart that leaps and skips.
Her touch is the hush of warm winds
Bringing secrets to ears and calms to their ends.
She has a graceful neck, and legs that reach eternity,
and a mind that meets paradise.
I get lost in the maze of her mind,
but I don't want to find my way back.
I don't want to go back.
Against the storms of time, her smile sails through seas of memory.
(Feelings blossom when memory begins to sprout).
The world seemed to go on forever before her;
now it's just too small,
like a room that smells of Woman,
and stretches its walls when she sinks her toes in.
(One could size up the world between her fingers - in her palm,
and measure space, stars and the universe in her calm.
One could fit black holes and galaxies in between her thoughts;
Without stirring a ripple; without raising alarm;
Without tossing a brow; without havoc or harm.
I have sized up the world:
I love life, but the world is bullshit).
Music stops when her ankles are far.
Once I saw her dancing,
and felt the earth spinning under my feet.
Then I saw her laughing,
Suddenly planets were shaken,
and from their orbits were taken.
Her eyes were criminals - stealing the room.
Make-up would ruin her soul.
She and unearthly beauty go together
Like coffee and cream or man and coffee;
or dog and boy or catch and dog.
She is a beautiful star on a wistful night;
a beautiful scar covered out of wasteful sight.
Her charm is the colours of the sun descending from above,
and like a rainbow that is soaked in the light of the sun,
I am intoxicated.
Here's the sin of my age:
Up against her, I have lost my rage,
then sat by a gloomy window counting the tiny dots
on a battered old clock until it comes back -
Like an insidious attack -
but it never came back.
It's never coming back.
The clock never lied.
The clock never had anything to hide.
Time erases what life has written.
Time robs what fate has given.
Mountains crumble. Seasons fade.
Black turns into grey; light into dark.
Flesh becomes bone.
Bones turn to ashes.
Beauty cracks like the walls of Troy.
Beauty, like centuries, passes.
In a glimmer of lightning; in a swing of a sword;
In a bat of an eye; in a drum of a heart,
Beauty, like a ghost, vanishes.
Hers, though, is eternally sealed and seared in lingering memory.
Her image forever dawns in the troubled skies of my mind,
sometimes brilliantly like a sun above thick clouds,
Other times quietly like a shimmering morning star shrouded in blankets of fog;
but always standing tall like an ageless Helen against the waste and wreckage of History:
Indelible for all eternity - a permanent tattoo on the skin of existence.
I've known only sleepless nights
that have lost their way to city lights.
I've been blind since the get go;
'Been groping in sorry darkness;
'Been a lonely Sphinx amid dust and ruins;
Been a prisoner; 'Been dead -
I've been buried, and dirt settled
Over my chest, shoulders and neck,
but now it's like I'm seeing stars
move for the first time.
Since the first flash; the first flicker,
Her eyes have been fickle moons mounting mountains;
Peering over star-freckled horizons of murderous anticipation.
Her stare have been the very glare of resurrection -
The burning breath of life -
Shaping life in lively form.
I was dead before our eyes met.
Life is being between her eyes;
the rest is merely duty...and decay.
By A. Guy
A man sits on the floor, cross-legged and with eyes wound tightly shut, inside a steel cage with rusty metal bars, all black and brown. Weak and wane wrinkles first bend the skin on his forehead into easy crumples; into soft creases. Then they slowly and thinly unwind and dwindle into smooth nothingness; as if they were melting and becoming one with the air. It's like these wrinkles were ghosts haunting the dome of his head until all his thoughts were dead...until all was still, calm and quiet...until nothing was left stirring; not even the lingering shadows. Then they simply turned around without a sound and floated away with saggy heads and downcast eyes. A thick odour, of bleached blood and rotten garlic, envenoms and envelops the horizon, like a fog that proudly rides the saddles of clouds in a moody December. Absolute darkness heavily hovers. The wheezing sound of a creaking door being slowly opened cuts the awful silence like a hacksaw cutting through bone. A few weak bulbs faintly flicker a sickly yellow. A moment staggers like a minute, and a minute crawls like a year. Heels are heard ringing between the walls, softly clicking and clacking on a cold floor. A volcano of gleaming madness violently erupts from under the flat and fat nose of the floor-bound man. "Kill me! Kill me!" The words had been gurgling and seething inside his mouth like wretched vomit. Silence is flooded. Silence drowned. "Me..." the echo deafens the thunderous lack of reply.
By A. Guy
We have lingered in the oases of the deep
By angels winged with light, bright and white
Till darkness reclaims us, and we lose sight.
O, for the silence that hides
Behind and between words,
and for life that beneath silence hides.
Ah, for the strained, lingering undying cords.
For the promised death of a life unlived,
and other ties that should not be saved.
Like lights behind us,
Coming to blind us;
People come and people go,
People dance and rave without a show;
Like soft and silent winds slipping with ease,
Like a smooth, playful and flying breeze
While the world sleeps quietly around,
like a corpse, scratching and coughing with no sound.
With fluttering arms, people fall and people fumble,
While their weekends before them heavily tumble;
As the years, slowly dragging their glimmering feet behind, stumble
as the years stutter; as the years mumble,
and minutes expand into centuries;
While stretching their arms, bowed and humble.
We are the sleepers who do not dream.
We are the keepers of a silent scream,
of a world that swims round and round,
and has rich nightmares in nights with no sound.
Fluttering - fumbling,
Stuttering and stumbling.
We have lingered in the dungeons of sleep
By devils clad with coats red and black
Till flickers and flashes save us, and we're back.
By A. Guy
Our Shared Demons
I learned, I learned
If you can't eat the wolves
Don't run with the heard
If you can't feast with crows
Don't fly with the flock
If you can't swim with the sharks
And if you can't charm the sirens
Ditch the islands
And sink your ships
And if you can't wear a crown
Surrender your throne
The wolves are at my door
The end begins
Surrender the throne
My head is a home in flames
Drag me out from the dying wreck
Drag me out and let'em sing
Let the burning voices sing
The wolves, the crows
Let them sing
The sharks, the sirens
The owls, the dogs in a ring
Let them all sing
Let them fucking sing
And if you can't be a devil
Then leave this hell
By A. Guy
Let them run
Don't wipe them eyes
Don't dry those tears
Not yet
Let the rivers run
Let sadness wash over us
And let us drown
Today is down in flames
Tomorrow is up in smoke
And the ashes are again,
Fallen black like acid rain
Let the rivers of sadness drown the flames
Let them run
Let them swallow the smoke
Let the rivers run
Let them wash the ashes away
And let the scars be eaten alive
It's like the same thing
I'm just a little late
I'm always hoping to maybe change
It's like the same thing
You're just a little late
I am away.
It's like the same thing
We're just a little late
I'm always hoping to maybe stay
From the flames to stay away.
By A. Guy
One Night
Don’t become
Don’t know
Don’t grow
Don’t learn
Be like the rest of us
Don’t live
Just wait here to die
Your war;
Not mine
I thought I was ready to write
I thought I was ready to paint reality
With even a more beautiful reality
I thought I was ready to dance
And spread over the ground
My wings and loud sound
I thought I was ready to dream
I thought I was going to quietly scream
I thought I was ready to sing
But you had me centuries ago
Our love, a proud monument to show
That history’s only reaping what you sow
Our love, a war I cannot win;
An epic battle of despair and sweet sin
Even if I cannot begin
Even if it means nothing now
Fog enfolds my memory
Images get lost amid the mist
Life tremors with shuffling light
I remember when you told me:
“I just love my demons but they have to go.”
To the bright stars you showed your scars
They glistened with a more terrible glow
You held my smile in your hands
And a dream twinkled on your face
And I’m missing those days again
The days of memory and innocent pain
Yeah, I’m missing those days again.
Now it takes a daily miracle instead
To drag me out of my bed
Like I’ve been sleeping with the dead.
And now you ask of me:
Don’t live
Don’t die
Don’t even try
Don’t be
Just exist like me
Long ago,
Before I could know
I thought I was ready to write
But you had me in just one night
Even if it means nothing now
You had me for just one night
The echo crawls and resounds
Over the skulls of all other sounds
Of my memory and its infertile grounds:
“I just love my demons but they have to go.”
The voice is, with fear, whiter than snow.
Is there nothing left?
Is there anything left to say?
Are there any more words to sing?
By A. Guy
Hell is other people
Said a sage without a steeple
Hell is oneself,
No. No.
Hell is myself.
Hell is the stars sown
Over the face of the sky
Hell is the stars shone
In the desolate despair of night
Unobtainable, unattainable;
Desire uncontainable
Lord, reap all of my stars
And keep them locked in a box
With all of my scars
Hell is the bawling balls
Rolling not with a meager speed
Each, pocket-bound, falls
From a green plain, soft as mead
Alone in its leather-barred cell
Pushed by a stick into a still hell
A community in lonely fractions
Scattered, aimless unto demise
By the grace of outer actions
And the motivation of unnatural device
Each popping in its own pocket
Like pilgrim drops in an eye socket
Travelling as fast as a rocket
They used to use the name billiards
Now we say pool
This hell's wilier than a deck of cards
And has not one fool
The demon,
The enemy inside,
The skeletons in my closet
Are my only friends
You must think I'm insane
I must be what you disdain
No, wait!
Don't hate.
I suffocate.
Sufferings resuscitate
But I am much too late
The actions I can't condone
The words I can't control
Are my true biography
The shepherd falls
And the sheep strays
Sleep betrays
When darkness gets thicker
It strikes me as odd
That it strikes me,
You, us.
And everytime the clock strikes
Worlds whirl.
That clock ticks death in
Creeping, caving.
This moment is never coming coming back,
Yeah, it tastes bitter!
That moment is never coming back,
And it tastes better.
One gone,
Two gone
It's like when a nuclear blast
Silently meets a desert storm
Devastation in beautiful form!
Each tick is a maelstrom
That quakes the earth
And shuffles it into a new birth
Have you heard about this?
Life above
Had no love
For the silly clown
Who left the town
And into the tunnel he went down
He was blinded
By the brilliant stench of the tunnel
It's like living in and at the cemetery
Corpses all spangled and merry
"A child's play,"
They all will say,
Be that as it may
But a cemetery is no place to live
Dawn broke
Stars faded
Darkness that once shone
From places unknown
Light glimmered,
Swinging between clouds
Rain came scampering
Against sills and windowpanes
It was all gloss and glitter
And the clown remained down under
Where there was no rain or thunder
A prisoner of all that he owns
Merely his flesh and his bones
His body a noose,
Knotted, gnarled,
Ravelled and wound tight
Its ropes, his soul.
A hell unending, binding, awaits
Each time he awakes.
For the vain,
For the inane,
Today, hell is mundane;
And it's running like a vein.
By A. Guy