i bob up and down around the surface constantly
it's not difficult to slip back down and keep going
the first time this year that it happened was a while ago now
if i'm being specific it was in march
if i'm being specific it was the twelfth of march
i don't want to make this about her again
because it should always be about you
i dropped all the way down through my new normal
to a place i almost didn't recognise
you sort of gripped onto my hand
on the side of the bathtub and up the road
you didn't leave my side for the week
i don't remember it well i think my brain slowed a bit
but i'm grateful for how much you didn't mind
when i couldn't stop crying
we'll be together forever because otherwise
i don't know how i'll exist
for what it's worth
i think you saved my life
i have a resume in evolution. i can give you a list of all the words and terms i've used to introduce myself. i stopped collecting my references a while ago because my relationships became interviews, especially my relationship with myself.
"how do you qualify for this position?"
every day. over and over again. measuring my insides like a ritual.
i'm proud to have the capacity to love anyone. to be able to see each human as they are without any prerequisites is my most beautiful quality.
my resume has become outdated, it couldn't fit all the love i feel.
i say hello to all the dogs i meet
i get excited when i see them
and they usually get excited too
my friends look over at them
when i say "dog, dog, dog!"
i like when dogs look like their person
i like to think it means something
that they have grown together
or maybe the person picked the dog
or vice versa
because they sensed familiarity
i love to say hello to dogs
because they are alive
and loving everything i meet
means i am alive too
i feel tragic in a way that exceeds emotion
it's the kind that's religious and terrible
the eyes in roman paintings and wild animals
the fire on the altar and the ecstasy in the burn
i have turned myself into art by accident
found something to believe in the pull of my throat
the dry retching of beautiful pain that gathers there
i've turned into a sort of greek tragedy
to acknowledge the undeniable heat in my chest
which contrasts with my miserably icy skin
i found myself in the margin of a tragedy
the kind where the lovers tear themselves apart
because they can't bare feeling whole and loveable
i am happy often to my very own shock
i feel i shouldn't be and it doesn't make sense
but i feel content and peaceful in the way i assume
the lovers felt when everything burned down around them
if i have one thing i have everything
joy and tragedy have never competed
they've been the lovers tearing themselves apart
trying to mend one another before tearing open their own wounds
allow me tragic happiness as it always ends and rebirths
allow me messy thoughts with bad explanation
as i will never have the right words
but life will move on anyway in it's tragic manner
and i will feel happy in autumn
i'm scared to forget these things
the pains that migrate from brain to body
and always back for the winter
i'm scared if i don't remember
that i will forget to be cautious
i'm careful with everything i do
i handle life delicately and kindly
i'm not sure if it's nature or nurture
and i don't know if it's good or bad
i think i want it to be bad
so that i have an excuse to hurt something
to be reckless with something
and save some care for myself
to scream that i'm fragile and hear nothing back
none of this will be good enough
my own standards are too high
and i know somewhere deep that it's a mix
it is my best nurturing from my mother
and my worst nature from god
to sit on the forest floor for a while
and allow the progress to stop
bridge after bridge is ahead of me
and a thousand fires for me to bleed on
let me sit in the moss for a day
and suck the venom out of my leg
i claim to not believe in talent
that it belittles artists
who work hard to be skilled
but i don't have another word
that explains why i'm like this
why i can so clearly see
everything in my mind
before i make it
why my brain is like a track
for words to cross through
from some part of the sky
to the ground
it's never been difficult for me
to think of the right words
unless i have to say them out loud
but i don't believe in talent
so i just say i'm not good
i don't love sweet things
any of my friends will tell you this
i drink my coffee without sugar
and i prefer eggs to pancakes
i'm the type to eat pasta for breakfast
and extra dinner for dessert
all the people i love best prefer sweet
they all like me more than i do
i'm a good accompaniment
but i don't see the point of me alone
i'd like to say i'm honey
and maybe someone who loved me would
but even i like honey in tea
i think of you every time my phone buzzes
i quickly, shamefully hope for an apology
some kind of reason i'm worth your time
proof you still think about me all the time
i decided it isn't fair to hold any of this over you
i'm hurt, maybe i did something wrong
i feel tragic and worthless and melodramatic
all the things i promised myself i would never feel
when i promised myself i would never be in love
i've fogged up my window with all this blame
and through the haze i can't see it in myself to hate you
i'll go on hating myself and find comfort in familiarity
months have gone by since we spoke about this for the first time
and nothing has changed, it's only grown
replying to you without addressing you, hoping you will read into it
crying and choking because i'm so scared to fall in love with you
here's how i was taught to love, with cynicism and a crystal ball