Sit on your hands if you must,
tinker not with the Real world!
You know not what It's made of
Our realm is Dream and here we
are King and Queen
We shall reign on this Parade,
revel in our own pretend!
Citing ancient wisdom from
troves of living tales retold
by Trolls and Such.
We'll be heros in the end,
Supermen in discipline!
Slaying those demonic foes
That goad real Experiments
upon our skins.
#InnerStrength #ThePowerOfPretend #SelfEducation #ThroughImagination #NoGmoEtc
11 Publishers that Don’t Require an Agent
For those of you with novels ready to submit these publishers are accepting submissions. And this blog is an excellent source of info for writers.
It Is What You Are
The way your skin feels so smooth beneath my hands.
The warmth that radiates from you.
The way your hand fits in mine so perfectly. I reach for it no matter the distance between us.
The way your lips move against mine.
The way you trace my skin and make me shiver.
Your eyes are stunning in their beauty and mystery.
Your smile is so filled with humor and mischief.
Your laugh is loud and sharp and it makes me want to laugh along.
Your voice makes me want to pause and listen. It is something that can either wake me up or lull me to sleep.
There is nothing in this world I crave more than time with you. You are there, in every though I ever have. Every story I tell. Every joke I make.
Call it what you will: obsession, passion, naivety. It doesn't matter. I will let it consume me. Today, tomorrow, and forever onward.
After all, it is what it is and we are who we are. What you are is my sunlight and who you are is just as beautiful.
I have so many questions, about God, life, sex, purpose & so much more I go round & round my mind trying to figure out things. Lots of things. Which end up confusing & taking me back to step one.
Like is there a God or a supreme being who has unfathomable power? And if he/she exists can we mere humans see him/her? What do we need to see or talk to him/her or rather what are we or aren't we doing that makes him hide from us ?
Okay let's say he/she exists. Why do people suffer, why is there unmeasurable pain inflicted on the poor & lowly in society? What did they do to deserve this? Does he/she not want to interfere with our business? Has he/she given us free will that he doesn't want to interfere? Is he/she that respectful?
What's religion really ? What does it stand for ? Is it just a set of dos & don't? Like a set of rules we are supposed to follow which me & you know is so hard to do because simply put rules are meant to broken. Does heaven & hell exists and why would a loving God what his people to suffer ? Which leads me to ask does Satan & his so called legion of demons exist? Is religion just a clever mans way of making sure we follow a set of rules because us humans are animals no matter how hard we try to ignore that fact ? Is religion an opium for the poor because it seems the most poor people belong to a certain religion? Why does there exist so many religions but only one God ? I rest my case on this part.
Life. What is life really ? What are we meant to do? Whats the whole idea about it? Some comedian by the name Louis C.K made me laugh the other day, he said everyone who is alive today is alive because they didn't kill themselves. So it begs the question why is life so precious, why do people even the ones with the shittiests of lives value it so much ? What are we meant to do in life? Is there a map or a compass to lead somewhere, somewhere where we will find out what we are meant to do in this life ? And if there's a map or a compass where do we find it ? Is religion or the belief of a certain intelligent being the compass to finding this purpose? I'm yet to find out my purpose and if you have found out what your purpose is please hit my inbox you might point me in the right.
That's all for today.
The Others
They notice I'm weird when I drink health teas that taste like dirt,
If I'm spotted licking my blood after a deep hurt.
Hair atop this head, is red,
While untamed fur grows upon legs.
I'd rather be lost in my mind
Than speaking nonsense, a waste of time.
I notice I'm weird when I care more than Others,
Or how fully I dedicate self to my Lover.
I give my all to a task, and wonder why that's strange
As if high personal standards are, these days, deranged.
I go beyond the norm to extend kindness;
I am odd, and consider myself blessed.