What I would tell myself to do differently would be to stay in school finish college and keep learning so I could provide a better future for myself and future children. You see I flunked out in my first try in college and I lost the confidence in myself. My dad was paying for college because I was not eligible for grants as he made to much money and I didn't want to waste his money. He begged me to stay in college but I got a job over winter break and liked making my own money. It wasn't much but I didn't see a point to go back to school. But looking back now I wish I had listened to my dad I am struggling now to make ends meet with 4 children and a granddaughter to support. Men come and go in your life not being strong enough to handle the pressure of day to day life leaving me to raise children alone. This was not the life I dreamed of as a little girl. My mom told me my prince would come that is not true for everyone. I have gone back to school online getting an Associate's degree even started working on my Bachelor's but I have ran out of money for college. Now here I am still unable to get a job borrowing from Peter to pay Paul it's crazy and not a life I would wish on anyone. But one thing I'm good at I am a good mom and I am always looking for ways to make it but I have friends that have been more successful and that could have been me. On the job 30 years and here I am trying to reenter the workforce when I should be about to retire. If I had it to do over I would stay in school get degrees when you are young and childless it is so much more easier and prepare more for the future, listen to my elders that know better than I, and not be so headstrong.
Woman with children striving to make it in this world needing more confidence in herself to get it done and continued work toward goals.