Into a deep hole
Where it ends nobody knows?
You land in a large open space full of paintings and there is a door. Hmmm, you look around and find a key.
Grandfather Clock: Hello there dear. What brings you here?
Kelly: I'm not so sure. I only remember getting ready for spring and packing up for a road trip. I can't really seem to recall how I ended up here.
Grandfather Clock: No problem, don't you worry. I'm positive you'll figure things out.
Kelly: Thank you for your words of encouragement. They're much appreciated.
Suddenly, the room starts to fade out of sight as Kelly walks towards the door. She holds the knob and surprisingly without much effort all of a sudden, without her even moving the door that much-it opens. As if like magic.
Trees all around, flowers in bloom and birds chirping. Odd looking creatures-they seem all excited and preparing for a grand occasion.
They soon start to sing in joyous chorus:
Have you heard the Tale of the mighty blue whale. Yes-I have! Have you? Maybe, yes or maybe not.
Have you heard of the tale of the phenomenal fantastic rising Phoenix. I have! But have you? Nope, not yet. Well, you've heard of it today.
My, oh look. We have to get ready before it's too late. Times are changing. Moons are pacing. Yea-let's all get ready today for the Super Awesome Terrific Verily Merrily Time of Spring. Aye, oh Yeah!
Drums beat, horns ring and sound in triumphant praise.
Kelly: Excuse me. Pardon me. But What's going on?
The music slowly fades.
All: Don't you know.
Kelly: No.(she says shyly)
All: It's Spring Time.(they all say in a sort of melodious voice & way.)
Kelly: My yes I know that. Goodness me. I've never encountered such a sensation and preparations for Spring.
Ladybug: You'll Have to stay my dear for the whole show then.
Miss Butterfly: Yes-indeed. You'll be quite amazed. Wait for the pretty dazzling parade full of Springly things.
Kelly: Springly things?
General Ant: Dear guest. We're so glad to have you join us today for this very special time of season. No more to the harsh cold and make room for fresh plants, trees and flowers to grow & bloom.
Kelly: Wow. It does sound awesome. Am ready for the parade. I can't wait. Mhmm, so exciting.
All: It is the most enchanting, beautiful and inviting/mesmerizing time of the year:
The daylight changes and slowly the bright light from the sun changes. Clouds appear and the day's weather shifts from warm to cool with a gentle breeze. Kelly feels happy to join in the celebrations.
Then like a theatrical show, a group-a merry band of musicians play before the audience. Everything follows perfect timing and routine like a well organized and rehearsed play. As the ensemble move along the pathway, the area behind them transforms. Kelly looks in amazement as flowers ranging in different shades stretch out from hibernation. The plants and trees all seem to appear much happier as if they've just been woken up from a nice, long deserved nap. Now it was time for them to be wide awake and ready for a brand new day.
Kelly watches as the crowd moves closer to the main stage set up before the valley. She tags along and watches as a sound of a bird, or an eagle\was it a Hawk screeches in the air. She wasn't certain. It looked familiar as it came closer. Then she thought to herself. Maybe, this was the bird that was in the song that she had heard not too long ago. As she gazed into the sky, the Phoenix flapped it's wings and flew across the land. The moment it did so, some of the Phoenix's wings fell and turned into shiny specks of dust-which when they reached the valley ground, the land all became blinding and shone with such magnificent light. It was like a gem or precious stone had been crushed and sprinkled across the valley. The light from the sun shimmered onto the land. What a wonderful sight! Kelly felt like this was all just one of her crazy wild dreams.
Then as if her mind or thoughts could get any crazier. A blue whale which seemed to appear out of nowhere showered them all with water from it's blowhole. Then as the water droplets fell down to the sparkly ground a beautiful rainbow appeared.
Kelly felt a nudge on her shoulder. She heard a voice calling. Kelly looked around but couldn't see anything.
Professor Evergreen: Kelly!
Kelly: Huh.(slightly confused).
Professor Evergreen: Hey, you wandered off again. Are you alright?
Kelly: I'm sorry about that Professor. Sometimes I can't help it.
Professor Evergreen: That's alright dear. Spring is around the corner. It's a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the day.
Kelly: You're absolutely right. I might do that real soon.(she said with a cheerful grin).