Write about something terrifying but not evil, dangerous but no ill intent...
That’s love for you...
I was terrified in the beginning
I couldn’t help it
I was never exposed to it
So when I began to feel it
And you began to show me
I panicked
I held it in
I tried to contain it
But you can’t do that with love
It demands to be felt
To be expressed
You can’t just lock it up
Because eventually it’ll be too much and it’ll consume you
The intensity of it surrounded us
We were in our own bubble of love
The outside world was nothing but distractions
Which is where we went wrong
We forgot about the fragility of a bubble
Bubbles pop
And when ours popped,
So did everything else.
Gone were the elated feelings
In place was the daunting, “what now”
I don’t want to give up
But I know I have to
There's no way to piece together a bubble
Love did this to us