Grandmama´s memories about grandpapa
It was the best of was the worst of times when you left the house
slamming and sludging your beer pub around
you tossing & turning in your sleep
you staring at the mirror and trying to grab ahold of yourself
you bringing home roses and then getting mad and shredding them to pieces mad because you couldn't get hold of your addiction
but what do I care I don´t even like roses?
It was best of was the worst of times when you died
the house is awfully quiet
the wind whistles a strange tune
it is sweet & melodic.
the cat misses the smell of jack daniels hanging in the air
and so do I she used to sit on your lap and lick your drunk self to sleep.
the kids miss you too
it´s okay that you were imperfect because I didn´t ask god for a perfect man