Words will never explain what it's like to watch your best friend die in your arms. You're doing everything in your power to stop him from bleeding out. Telling him that it's not that bad and he's going to be fine. The truth is, in the back of your mind you know he's dying and your trying to make his final moments on this wretched earth peaceful. Every single day that goes bye, I think of you. I think about all the good times that we've had together and the bad. I think about your wife and your beautiful baby girl. I think about how I wish it was me. I have nothing, you had everything. The anger, the sadness, they will never escape me. I wish I could have saved you from that Improvised explosive device, but I couldn't. The second you stepped on that pressure plate, it was over. Even though I was disorientated and there was blood poring from my ears and legs; my first instinct was to help you. I can't even put into words how I feel to this day. I see this every night while I try to sleep. I love you Taylor and I'm sorry that I couldn't save you.