Do or Don’t There is NO Try
I spent so much time running the what-if analysis on how everything could possibly play out in my life that I probably could have gotten a 4 year degree in the time I've wasted. At the least. Hours upon hours spent telling myself what I couldn't do after listening to others reasons why my ideas were far-fetched or unrealistic. That's not how I'm want to look back on my life.
I want to see smiling and remember good relationships. I want to see that I learned to handle life as it comes instead of planning for all it's contingencies and having it pass me by. I want to see my decisions to do things like travel the world were exactly the best thing I could have done for myself regardless of how it all turns out. I want to see all the times I fell and picked myself back up.
My biggest life lesson...
There is no try. There is only do or don't. And if you don't, you'll never know if you could. I don't know about anyone else, but crashing and burning at something isn't half as soul-sucking as having regrets. So get out there, go show yourself what you CAN do.