my first heartbreak
The world is so broken.
My heart aches while I watch the deep wounds continuously ripped open and unable to heal.
We preach and preach about peace, but what is the idea without action?
There are so many people worthy of a better life, but have no way to help themselves.
People keep dividing themselves instead of mending pains of the past.
Injustice is seen, but people choose to be blind to it.
The color of skin is irrelevant.
Why don't we embrace the diversities and cultures?
Who are we to look down on another person? We are all the same regardless of color, religion, and whatever else people find offensive these days.
We all have a body that has a heart and that pumps the same color of blood through our veins.
The world's lack of acceptance is my biggest grief.
We all share the same human experience. Everyone experiences loss, goes through childhood, and has something they are working towards.
The fact that we are afraid of another person like us is absolute madness.
Please explain to me how you can justify discriminating against someone just like you.
What are people going to be afraid of next? The mirror?
I was going to enter this in the challenge, but didn't have enough coins.....