Abusive Relationship
Would you like to share your abusive relationship story, open up to the prose family and be honest about it?
Beside the Other Bones
Thoughts sail away in loosely packed barrels
tucked within gunpowder and fine silks and
beside the rum. Whether by sunken ship
or port, I am split from them now
until the time I wear away and reside
beside the other bones.
My heart slips away with the pink moon
that parts the horizon like Moses the sea;
dawn shatters the night like broken glass
and my heart is only one of the shards left
beside the murky puddles. Whether by
broom or rain, I am split from it
until the time I wear away and reside
beside the other bones.
Handsome commandeer who steers the ship and
shoots the gun, rob my chest of organs
until again departs the sun. I've nothing left
to give you but my meager, meek backbone
so fare me well; let me reside
beside the other bones.