Listen... Do you hear it?
Distinct, and sweet, ever so timid it begins its descent.
The sound dances from above, winding its way to my ear! With ease it languidly falls to its Mother Earth where its conception began.
Each melodious note soothes and cleanses my spirit, just as it brings a freshness to that which it touches!
As it careens from the heavens I contemplate the gift of a new day. I consider fresh new beginnings where pain and loss do not yet exist!
Again I listen... I imagine it's cleansing power filling me, healing the maladies of the body, washing away the emotions of disquiet ... Each drop a symbol of purity, of what can and will be again!
As the rain continues outside my window a peace descends within me, and with it... A renewed faith. My belief is that restoration of wholeness will come from what I cannot touch or see; but... Because I listen... I trust!
Kimberly OBrien-Young