Beyond the Goodbyes...
Invasions of the mind forcing the intoxication of the soul, creating and ache in the heart
Unable to control or choose the timeline. No warnings given to brace the heart for the onset.
Intrusions and memories bringing joy... Double edged with pain and longing.
Healing, a lengthy process of ups and downs. The dead of night the hardest and loneliest moment of the day.
Invasions....intrusions... Memories offering no solace only fear. Time will be the only relief and comfort.
Time allowing...the heart will heal.
Kimberly OBrien-Young
Written in remembrance..
Fate Alone!
Far beneath the level of conscious interlude lies a place of safety tucked away from the experience of everyday commonalities.
Within this place are moments that are far from common.
It is here that trumpets in the heavens will sound and brilliant fireworks cascade!
That passion will know no boundaries, and the colors of life never truer!
That the laughter of children is never sweeter, and the face of the aging never more beautiful.
Here lyrics are no longer words or music a mindless melody instead their coupling creates a symphony from the depths of the soul!
Finally... It is here that love ignites, often without forewarning. It burns quickly, suddenly, strong and lasting! It's unexplainable and mysterious, impressionable and addictive!
Fool not yourself, for you cannot seek this place. There is no map that can guide, no deduction that unravels or deciphers!
Quite simply... Fate alone unlocks the door where magic exist!
Kimberly OBrien-Young
Listen... Do you hear it?
Distinct, and sweet, ever so timid it begins its descent.
The sound dances from above, winding its way to my ear! With ease it languidly falls to its Mother Earth where its conception began.
Each melodious note soothes and cleanses my spirit, just as it brings a freshness to that which it touches!
As it careens from the heavens I contemplate the gift of a new day. I consider fresh new beginnings where pain and loss do not yet exist!
Again I listen... I imagine it's cleansing power filling me, healing the maladies of the body, washing away the emotions of disquiet ... Each drop a symbol of purity, of what can and will be again!
As the rain continues outside my window a peace descends within me, and with it... A renewed faith. My belief is that restoration of wholeness will come from what I cannot touch or see; but... Because I listen... I trust!
Kimberly OBrien-Young
Love is a choice!
So like the vastness of space and time which is boundless; matters of the heart are far reaching, with an undercurrent that is never ending!
Understand that while being loved unconditionally is the most profound gift one can hope to be the receiver of; it is however, for the giver, the greatest and most painful responsibility that one can undertake!
You see... All though it is argued that love is born by coincidence or fate, in fact it is instead a choice! It is a decision that can only be considered when the intellect first converses and then merges with the heart!
Wherein suddenly... The acknowledgement of frailty's and the flaws of human nature do not create walls or a means of escape. Instead the opportunity arises for a deeper level of love and understanding!
The resolve to remain steadfast and loyal is reached with an omniscient heart....therein lies strength of character... Much like the omnipotence of space and time!
Kimberly O'Brien
May 26 1993
A Valentine on Melrose... ❤️
Once again, the place of quiet within gives refuge to the chaos of living.
It is there that certainty lies!
So often the boundaries between safety and hazard create tremors as one nears the edge of decision!
When to say goodbye? What road to travel? Who to trust? Where is life leading... And why is it that loving again brings fear?
The dilemma to resolve the hearts endless questions led to Melrose in search of a Valentine.
In the meandering a of an afternoon, discovery and ultimately decision was reached...
Search no further than ones soul for love and answers... Look within to the place of quiet... Your Valentine waits, arms open, prepared to embrace!
Kimberly O'Brien
February 14 1992