Fate Alone!
Far beneath the level of conscious interlude lies a place of safety tucked away from the experience of everyday commonalities.
Within this place are moments that are far from common.
It is here that trumpets in the heavens will sound and brilliant fireworks cascade!
That passion will know no boundaries, and the colors of life never truer!
That the laughter of children is never sweeter, and the face of the aging never more beautiful.
Here lyrics are no longer words or music a mindless melody instead their coupling creates a symphony from the depths of the soul!
Finally... It is here that love ignites, often without forewarning. It burns quickly, suddenly, strong and lasting! It's unexplainable and mysterious, impressionable and addictive!
Fool not yourself, for you cannot seek this place. There is no map that can guide, no deduction that unravels or deciphers!
Quite simply... Fate alone unlocks the door where magic exist!
Kimberly OBrien-Young