Trying To Write
Sweat poured off the early writer he had finished his first book and it had become a big hit. So his publisher did what all publishers do(Asked for another book in 2 months) and he cutting very close to that dead line. He hadn't slept in a couple days just staring at his computer finishing up the last six chapters that ended up having 435 pages between the 6 which meant he wrote half of his book again in only 3 sleepless days. As he was about to write the twist at the end of his book that was begging for a sequel. He printed it out and sent it to his publisher. When he got home he collapsed on his bed with his own nightmare, he has to write a sequel... He groaned in frustration how could he have been so foolish. He checked his emails to see if his publisher had got his book, and to his horror the publisher asked to have another book in one month and asked if he could not turn in his book a month before deadline.