The Lovely Grim Reaper
The grim reaper is the one who takes lives. He is the one that causes destruction in the world. He devastates families and friends and loved ones. But most people don’t think about how death can be and is a lovely creature. Death is a part of life whether people want to believe so or not. Death is not only responsible for causing destruction and devastation in the world, that's not the only thing the Grim Reaper does. He also brings others together to grieve or to reunite with the ones they lost before those victims have had their lives taken.
The one and only Mr. Grim Reaper tears people apart, brings them together, and gives peoples a reason to let out emotions that are bottled up inside, he gives the living a push to do what they always want to do but are too scared to do it. The Grim Reaper will visit everyone some point, bringing bad news behind him wherever he goes, whoever he visits next.
I also believe the Grim Reaper is a lovely creature because he is also in love with life and purity. He can see how lovely life is but he never can experience it himself. Instead of living he is the one forced to bring bad news, destruction, pain, anger, sadness and death wherever he goes. He is the one who isn't only in pain but he feels the pain himself and everyday he is beside himself with nobody to care for him. The Grim Reaper is an innocent being and he is misunderstood.
The Grim Reaper is in fact a lovely being that is forced to endure a pain nobody can understand. He is the one forced to lead a life he was not wanting, a life where his previous life was no better.
The Grim Reaper is a lovely being and he is deeply misunderstood.