It Gets Better~ chapter 3
It’s been a week since the night that I came home. It’s also been a week since Alec has broken into the pack house and almost kidnapped me once again. It’s been a week since Alec has broken my ribs before he bolted out of the house it, a week since that same night I had to endure a horrific pain.
Since the end of that night and the days following Phoenix has been very good to me, all of the boys have been. They all make sure I am always comfortable and they almost never let me out of my seat. They get me anything I need and make sure I am never left alone. Phoenix has been very protective and, if he can help it, has not let me out of his sight.
Phoenix has also been calm enough to let Cole change my wraps and bandages on my very slow healing injuries. While Cole tends to my injuries Phoenix holds my hand and tells me that it’s ok if I make a face or let out a sound from pain. He is my Alpha protector after all.
Today was the first day that I had to go down to Cole’s office in the hospital wing alone. Phoenix had a meeting to go to and I couldn’t wait any longer to go and get my wraps changed. I also needed him to give me numbing cream to put on the bruises that was over my injured rib cage, I was starting to feel more pain when I breathe.
I walk down to Cole’s office and tell him that I need my wraps changed and something to numb my pain. I follow him out and we go to one of his exam rooms. I sit down on the cot and then lift my shirt to expose my wraps, he takes them off and grabs a numbing cream out of the cabinet. He carefully applies them to my bruising rib cage and I’m grateful for the cooling and numbing feeling it applies to my heated and discolored skin. Cole puts new wraps on me and then he grabs more of the numbing cream and puts it in a jar for me so that I could use it whenever I needed to use it.
Once I’m finished up with everything I give Cole a hug and then walk back up to the main part of the pack house. I look at the time and see I have a few hours to kill before Phoenix is able to get out of his meeting and before the boys come back from training. I go to the kitchen and think about how I haven’t been able to cook or bake anything since before I was taken. I pull out everything that I need so that I could make cupcakes; my favorite thing to bake. I was also so happy to find that my special baking things were exactly where I left them in my secret kitchen hiding place.
After I pull everything out and get organized I begin to make my special red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese buttercream. I remembered that it was the guys’ favorite thing that I baked and they all thought I decorated them very beautifully. it always made me feel happy that they all liked them.
A few hours later when everyone was starting to come in the house and when Phoenix came down from the office, they all went to the kitchen as they were drawn in from the smell of the cupcakes. Once Phoenix comes in the kitchen I go over to him and give him a kiss and a big hug. As the boys follow behind they all flock to the cupcake stand that I just filled up and they start to indulge in the delicious sweets that are still warm from the oven. Once they boys finally disperse from the crowd they made around the kitchen island, Phoenix lets go and goes to get a cupcake for himself. I see how he pouts as no more cupcakes are left on the stand and I then come up behind him and hand him one that I saved just for my beloved.
He turns around and I see how his face lights up in happiness. He takes it from my hands and wraps me in his arms and then gives me a big kiss. After be gives me a kiss he pulls away slightly. After he takes a bite of the cupcake he gives me kisses all over my face and I laugh as they tickle my cheeks. He tells me thank you over and over again and I smile.
“Awe, you’re welcome my handsome Alpha.” I lean up on my tiptoes and give him a peck on the cheek.
I giggle softly as I see how his cheeks turn a soft pink hue as I make him blush. It still amazes me of how I can still make this big bad Alpha turn into the shy little innocent teenager that I met so many years ago. The rest of the boys look over at Phoenix and start to tease him and I laugh softly and pinch his rosy cheeks. He pouts and pulls me close, then he buries his face in my neck and hides from the guy’s.
I giggle again softly and pat his back. I back away slightly and then hold him an arm's length away and watch as he continues to pout as he looks to the ground.
“Would it make you feel better if I made you more cupcakes that are only for you?” I hear the protests of the boy’s behind me and smile as I see Phoenix’s head shoot up with a big and wide grin on his face. He nods his head and taunts the rest of the boy’s as I move to go and frost some hidden cupcakes that I set out to be cooled.
I have the boys leave to do their own thing, including Phoenix, then continue on with making my beloved's own batch of cupcakes. I make sure to decorate them extra special to make up for the boys’ teasing habits. Once I finish the cupcakes I look at the time and see that it is just about time to eat lunch. I knew that none of us have had lunch. I started thinking about what I should make and decide to make spaghetti and meatballs with some cheesy garlic bread.
After I have made my decision I set off to work getting my ingredients together so I could start making lunch for the whole pack house. I start to make lunch and once it is finished and I clean up the counters. I open the kitchen door and the herd of boys come rushing into the kitchen, Alex at the head of the group, flocking to the cupboards to get plates and then to the stove to fill them up with food. I stay back by the door to the kitchen and wait for them to clear out to the dining room table. Once they are out of the kitchen I grab myself a plate of food and then go out to the table so I could sit down next to my beloved and eat lunch. We all talk about what has happened so far throughout the day and then about everyone's to-do list for the remainder of the day. They all also fill me in on what I have missed while Jared had me, they made sure to tell me all the good things and I was grateful for that. I didn’t want to hear anything that would upset me, mostly because I was having a good day so far.
When everyone was finished with their plates I made them all clear the dining table. Then I made them go into the kitchen and wash the dishes and clean the counters. I make sure all the leftovers were put away. I always made them do this after we eat because if I made the meal they all had to clean up or they wouldn’t get anything sweet that I made that day. I never wanted a dirty kitchen and they all knew that and I did do a lot for the boy’s so they agreed. If they ever protested then they all knew that they wouldn’t get anymore meals from me.
I watched them clean up and when I was satisfied with how everything looked I told them they could leave. I went to my secret library in the house and looked around. Everything was just as I left it, all my notebooks, sketches, bookmarks that I was decorating, even a stack of books that I left out on my desk. I was planning on picking out one from the stack to read next but I couldn't decide quite yet. Everything was left untouched. There was not a piece of paper out of place or a spot of dust disturbed by anyone or anything that wasn't by me.
It made me think just about how long I was really gone. After so long of being in the dark as I was held captive I soon lost track of the days. Time soon became as meaningless as asking my captor to let me go. It was as meaningless to cry and scream at him to stop torturing me and to let me go. The memories will forever be burned into my mind of the pain I was put through. The memories such as the feeling of being cut and beaten. The feeling of those sick torture sessions being dragged out for hours and hours as he kept making cuts against my skin, scarring me for life.
I felt tears start to roll down my face as I kept remembering what that monster put me through. I regained some of my composure and then after looking around again I rushed out of my library. I rushed out and down the hall to where cleaning supplies was kept. I grabbed all I could carry and went back. Once I was inside the library again I started to clean. I cleaned and I didn't stop until every inch of the place was dusted and disinfected. I didn't stop until the room smelled of the lemon cleaner. I just couldn't stop until I nearly collapsed from exhaustion. I couldn't take it anymore, looking at this dusty place. It reminded me of what had happened, what he did to me.
Once I finish cleaning I sit down on one of the sofas that I have in the room and I am finally able to relax. Now that the room was cleaned I wasn't reminded of the terrible things that was done i to me. Now I only saw my safe haven of my secret library, hidden away for the rest of the pack house. After a few minutes of sitting down and relaxing I get back up from my comfortable place on the couch. I then set to work gathering all of the cleaning supplies so I could put it all back into the closet down the hall.
I go down the hall and start to put everything inside the closet. As I shut the closet door I see Alex standing right in front of me. I scream as he scares me and then I can hear him laughing. I hit his chest as he continues to laugh.
“That wasn't funny Alex!” I yell at him and hit him again for laughing at me.
“Ow! What was that for? Stop hitting me Scar!” He says as I continue to pound on his chest.
“That's what you get for scaring me! And for laughing at me!” I turn to the side and lean against the wall, pouting.
Alex wraps me in his arms in an apologetic hug. I hug him back and we just stand there for a few minutes. I think he knew that I needed it and I was grateful for the hug and the silence of the hall. When we finally pull apart, minutes later, he then asks if I’m alright and then Alex starts to walk me back to my library doors. While we walk I stay silent and then tell Alex that I was going to be alright. He gives me another long hug and tells me things will get better. I believe him but some part of me in the back of my mind thought that this would only be temporary. I mean it was only last week that Jarred had broken into the pack house and he almost took me again, I still had the injuries to prove it. But right at the moment I was only trying to make the best of my life right now. I had my beloved mate and the rest of the boys in the house to keep me safe. I did know I was safe but I still had that part of myself that held fear and paranoia.
When Alex leaves me at the doors to my library I stand in the doorway for a moment. I watch as he walks down the hall. I wait to go back through the doors until he turns the corner. When I know he’s gone I walk back into my, newly cleaned, library. I begin to search through my books and find one that I haven’t read before. I go up the staircase and I lay on the soft net floor in the middle of the second level. I arrange a layer of pillows and blankets on the netting after pulling them from the window seat. I make myself comfortable and I start to read. When I’m through reading a few chapters I realize something is missing. I forgot to turn on my thunder and rain track. Listening to it always made me feel calm, it was like a white noise machine but better.
I grab a little remote to my speakers and I turn them on. Right away I hear the thunder and rain. Now I’m extremely happy no one came in here and found the remote that I kept inside the pocket of one of my blankets. I settle back down and curl up inside my little protective ‘nest’ that I made. I start to read again and only stop for a moment when it starts to get dark so I could turn on my blue snowflake lights. I continue reading until I flip to the last page in the book. I realize that it was later than I thought when I look outside. No one came in to get me so I get up and search for another book.
When I find another I go back to my little nest and continue to read. When I’m about halfway through my second book of the night I start to get tired and I fall asleep. I fall asleep in my library without meaning to, listening to thunder and rain with blueish white lighting all around.
When I wake up the next day I find it dark and cloudy outside. I turn off my speakers and listen to the thunder and rain outside. I smile to myself as I lay comfy and cozy with my soft and fuzzy blankets. I keep my snowflake lights on so I could have enough light to see. I get up and wrap one of the blankets, that I left in the window seat, around myself. I leave my library and go downstairs to the kitchen. I fix something to eat and sit down at the kitchen island. I eat my early breakfast and decide to make something for the boys when they wake up.
I fix them all a big breakfast and then go back to my library. I felt like watching a movie so I push the false panel beside one of my bookshelves. The bookshelf sunk into the wall and was replaced by my home theater system. I grab the remote and lay back in my pile of blankets. I turn on the flatscreen and brows through my Netflix account. I spend some time adding new shows and movies and decide to watch a new show called “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”
After watching a few episodes of my new favorite show I hear the buzzer to my doors. I pause the show and switch to the security feed that was connected to the tv. I look to see that Phoenix is outside. I get up from my nest and go down to the first level and to the doors. I open the doors just a crack and I peer out to look at my beloved.
He looks at my with worry or sympathy in his eyes, I couldn’t tell which it was. “Do you want any company in there?” He asks is a soft and caring tone.
I shake my head no to answer his question. I shift my eyes down to look at the ground instead of having them on my beloved. The truth was that I really did want his company, I just wasn’t sure if he truly wanted to be with me at the moment. I also didn’t want to bother him with my small little problems that he shouldn’t worry about.
“Well that’s too bad because you’re gonna have my company anyway.” he gently pushes the door open further and nudges me aside so he could slip in. When he wedges himself through the door he closes and locks the door behind him. I stay quiet and move out of the way for him to be inside with me. Phoenix takes my hand and pulls me close to him, enveloping me in his arms in a big bear hug. I lay my head on his chest as he wraps me in his big bear hug. He picks me up after he gives me a kiss on the forehead. When he picks me up I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me up. He starts to walk up the stairs to the second level in my library. When he gets to the top he then goes towards the middle of the floor where my little nest was. He slips off his shoes and socks and expertly moves me around, holding me with one arms, to take off his jacket.
When he has his jacket off he carefully carries me into my nest of pillows and blankets. I curl up in Phoenix’s arms as he lays down with me. After a minute or so he gently unwraps himself from me to take his shirt off. He then gets up and flips the switch on another bookshelf. When he flips the switch the wall opens up to a small, but spacious, walk-in closet. My beautifully handsome beloved starts to undress and then he dresses into his comfy and tight looking shorts. He walks back over to me and picks me up again. He carries me to the closet and he then undresses me from my clothes that I still had on the day before, and changes me into a tank top and comfy shorts.
When I was all dressed again I hold my arms up to Phoenix and he picks me up again. I hold onto him tightly as he carries me to my little nest of blankets and pillows. When he lays down with me in his arms I curl up to him as he turn on a movie for the both of us. I lay my head on my beloved’s, smooth and bare, chest and just listen to his soft heartbeat that soon lulls me into a nightmare free sleep. As I fall asleep he rubs my back softly underneath of my tank top and it puts me to sleep faster.
I wake up a few hours later, still wrapped in my beloved's arms. I smile and purr softly against his chest as I feel him rub my back softly. I look up and start to watch the movie that is now playing. As he feels me move slightly when I wake up he leans down and kisses my forehead. I smile softly and snuggle up into his chest.
“We should go down and get some food to eat. None of the guys have seen or heard you come out and get any food in the last two days.” he speaks to me in a soft and comforting tone. I just nod my head in agreement and don’t argue with him about going down to eat food. He picks me up again and carries me down the stairs. He leaves the library he locks the door behind him. Once the door is locked Phoenix carries me down to the first floor of the pack house and to the kitchen. Since I don’t feel like cooking right now he was the one to be cooking for us tonight. I whine when he sits me down on the counter as he gets ready to cook.
I watch as Phoenix cooks my favourite food in the world, spaghetti with garlic bread. When the food is all cooked Phoenix makes me a bowl of spaghetti with a bunch of parmesan cheese on top with my garlic bread on the side. He sets both of our plates on the kitchen island and picks me up to carry me to my seat. Once we are both settled in our seats we eat in a comfortable silence.
Once we are both finished and the dishes are put in the dishwasher Phoenix picks me up and carries me back to my library. While he carries me I am curled up in his arms. He takes me back up to the second level and we lay back down and he puts another movie on for us. I lay curled up in his arms all comfy and cozy for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep again until the next morning.
It Gets Better~ chapter 2
I don’t turn around. I’m not able to even move. I’m paralyzed with fear, petrified. I fear that I will be taken once again and that I will never see my beloved mate ever again. Alec wraps his arms around me in a vice like grip, hard as stone. He covers my mouth with one of his large hands so that I am unable to call for my beloved.
Alec whispers in my ear, “You will not escape me this time my little Rosebud. Not this time.” I shut my eyes tightly and let out a muffled whimper from fear. I never thought that he would find me again.
Our backs are turned towards the entrance to the kitchen. I just hope that one of the guys will wake up and notice I’m gone from my place beside Phoenix.
I once again hear the raspy voice of Alec. “Now are you going to come back with me quietly and be a good little Rosebud? You know I always have another way of making you come willingly, and I know you don’t want that now do you?” a small and muffled cry leaves my lips as I remember what he would give me again if I didn’t leave with him.
I try to beg for him to let me go, but my cries for help only come out as a mumbled and muffled response. I try to get out of his tight grip, but his hold on me is so tight that I can’t even move an inch and it’s starting to get hard to breathe. I start to panic when I can’t move.
I can hear the deep and cynical chuckle, from the man that has tortured me and broken me, from my feeble and useless attempts to escape his grasp.
I hear someone clear their throat behind us in the entrance to the kitchen. With a tight grip still around my body Alec turns us to face whoever has found us. When we are turned around all of the guys are standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as I see the guys all standing there. I’m filled with relief to know that I will not be taken again.
As I’m looking at the boys I notice how they are all shaking and that their eyes have changed to their wolf’s. It was a sign that they were furious to see that this evil man has his arms around me, hurting me. I try again to get out of Alec’s tight grip, now that the boys are here, but he tightens his grip again and it’s painfully tight now. It immediately makes me stop and let out a small and muffled cry of pain. I hear all of the boys growl, but the one that stands out is the loudest of them all. I know exactly who it belongs to. My beloved, Phoenix.
I hear his loud growl and I can feel his Alpha power seeping into it. It makes me feel a little bit safer knowing that he is here, that he’s here to protect me. He pushes his way through the boys and stands in the front. His eyes are glowing a beautiful yellow gold hue.
Alec tightens his grip around me as he catches sight of Phoenix. It feels as if he is starting to slowly crush my ribs, it gets harder to breathe. My beloved can see the pain in my eyes as they begin to tear up. His eyes are now focused on Alec’s tightening grip, I don’t think it will be much longer until my bones start to crack and break.
Phoenix begins to lurch forward at Alec. Before my lovely mate can reach either or us, Alec gives one final squeeze to my rib cage and starts to run as soon as he drops me to the floor.
I let out a cry of pain as I feel my bones being crushed underneath his arms. I let out another as my body hits the hard, solid marble floors. Everyone runs towards me, but they are, unfortunately, not fast enough to catch me before my body hits the floor.
I fall to the cold and hard floor with a sickening thud. Seconds later the guys are above me with anger in their eyes, but I see the concern they have for me. Phoenix is right above me, his concern for me at the moment evident in his eyes.
“you’re ok, your gonna be ok. I promise I’ll make it all better.” he speaks to me in a rushed but calm voice. I can tell he doesn’t want me to panic. His words do calm me down but only slightly. The waves of pain hit me as I try to take a deep breath, but instead of a deep breath I start to cough and it causes me more pain.
A look of panic crosses his face as he can see my pain. He looks up to the boys and he speaks to them through the pack link. After a minute passes he looks back down to me and tells me to hold onto his hand tightly. The guys lift me up slowly and carefully. They start to take me to the hospital wing in the pack house. Every little movement causes me pain. The entire trip to the pack doctor I am holding onto my beloved's hand in a crushing grip.
Once we reach the hospital room I’m laid down on a table and the doctor comes over to me. He cuts off the night shirt I was wearing and he runs his hands over my rapidly bruising skin. Phoenix growls as he sees the doctor touching me and how, even though his touch is light, I still suck in a breath out of pain and from the cold feeling of his hands. It puts a small smile on my face seeing how possessive he is over me, it made me feel safe and it calmed me slightly.
Cole, the pack doctor, continues to press his fingers against my injured ribs and my painfully bruised skin. After another minute of the painful examination he has to do on me, he pulls back and tells us all what he thinks has happened. “I’m usually pretty good with determining the difference between what bones are only cracked and what's broken but I’m not 100% sure. I can tell you that all of your ribs are in fact seriously injured. I need to take X-rays to be positive of what's broken and to make sure none of your broken bones have punctured any organs. Though I can tell you right now we will need to reset your broken bones and I possibly might have to do surgery on you and it will not be a nice feeling.”
As Cole tells all of us what needs to be done I hold onto Phoenix’s hand in a tight grip once again. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of the kind of pain I will be in.
The X-rays were taken and Cole looked to see what damage was done to my bones. When he comes back into the room he tells us he has found that five of my ribs have been broken and four are fractured. The good news was that I would not need surgery but the bad news was Cole needed to reset the bones before they started healing in a damaging position.
Cole told everyone to leave, including Phoenix. With a small kiss on my forehead and one to each of my hands he, reluctantly, left the room. He warned me before he started that it would be very painful and it would help to grab onto the table. I gripped the sides of the table so tightly that I thought my nails would be the next thing to crack and break.
The first bone he reset was excruciatingly painful. I let out a scream and cry of pain with each pop and crack of my bones that was made as Cole reset my bones. Once it was finished Phoenix burst into the room with the boys following as they try and hold him back. I turn my head over to look as Phoenix rushes over to me and gives me kisses all over my face that was covered in a cold sweat and tears of pain.
Cole comes back over with cooling cream and medical wrap. He pulls me up into a sitting position carefully, stopping when I make a sound out of pain, and then he gently rubs the cold gel over my bruised skin then proceeding to wrap my ribs with the medical wrap. “Now come back every night before you guys go to bed and I will look to see how everything is and I will put on a new wrap each visit.” He tells us and then Phoenix picks me up bridal style and we all head back up to the living room.
Once we are back up to the living room the boys start to make a little bed out of all the pillows and blankets that we have brought out for the movie night so I would be more comfortable. Phoenix lays me down carefully so that I wouldn’t be in anymore pain tonight and then he lays down right next to me. Everyone is wide awake now so everyone else goes to the kitchen and gets more junk food and drinks so we could resume our movie night. When they all get back they spread out on the blanket covered floor and we put on more movies. After watching a few more movies I eventually fall back to sleep in my loving mates arms.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
can write the saddest lines.
I can write of all my sad and insecure thoughts and feelings, but tonight is not for them all.
Tonight is only for a few, but not all.
The one I want and love does not wish to love me like I love him.
He loves another I'm sure of that.
When we are together it breaks me down, to know he does not love me, to know that all we ever will be is nothing more than good friend's.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
How my love does not love me back, the way I wish him to.
I feel like the cold icy rain, weeping, crying.
How the rain feels beating down on your roof, that's me.
But I stand there in the cold rain waiting for my knight in shining armor to come save me from my own sadness.
To take me out of the rain I used to love, and make me feel warmth once again, because this rain now has me cold.
Not warm or blissfully tired and peaceful. Not as it used to.
I'm waiting for him to come save me and make me feel loved.
But I know the one I love does not love me, but maybe he does.
But I can't stop feeling that if he did or if he does, his love wouldn't be real.
That he would just think loving me would just be the nice thing to do for me.
Tonight I write the saddest lines.
But I'm just waiting for my knight in shining armour to arrive.
It Get’s Better
All I could see around me was trees. Dead trees with low hanging branches, like they were reaching for me. In my eyes I saw the surrounding trees trapping me inside, almost as if I was inside of a cage. I don't know how I got here, I woke up on the cold forest floor, not knowing where I am or what happened before this. I decided I had nothing to lose and so I started walking in a random direction. I just wanted to get out of this cold and dark place. I don't like the dark. Not even the stars were out to guide me or give me any light. I was scared out of my mind but I just kept walking.
After an hour of walking I came across a beautiful clearing. I could see a flowing river, and waterfall, flat rocks to lay on in the moonlight. As I look around at this beautiful scene I could see a cave behind the waterfall. I was curious as to what was in it so I walked over. Once I was behind the waterfall I walked deeper into the cave. I started to see torches alongside the cave walls so I followed the lit trail. It led me to an open area and it looked almost as if someone lived here, but then I heard more rushing water and I pushed past the rooms and came out to a hidden clearing. This one was even more beautiful than the first.
In the clearing I was greeted by the smell of roses, rushing water, and the sight of a large mansion like house, large flat rocks like before, and green trees that didn't make me feel as if I was trapped inside a cage.
I walked over and sat on one of the flat rocks close to the water and ran my hands through the cool flowing water, it was just the right temperature. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something coming out of the tree line. What I saw shocked me. It was a large grey and silver wolf. I knew I should have been scared, should have felt fear of being hurt run through me. But all I felt was a safe feeling come over me. Somehow I knew that this wolf wouldn't hurt me.
It started to walk towards me. When it got close enough I held my hand out, wanting to feel its fur against my skin, look into its beautiful silver eyes with gold flecks. As it came closer and my hand made contact it was like I could feel a connection with this amazing creature. It nuzzled its snout against my hand, and after running my fingers through its soft and silky fur for a few minutes it walked even closer. So close it rested its head in the corner of my neck and brought me closer to him. To me it seemed as if it could understand that I was scared about not knowing where I am or what to do.
After minutes going by the wolf backed out of my arms and retreated back into the tree line. I was sad to see it go, it felt almost as if a part of me went with the wolf. As I was thinking about this feeling of emptiness I then saw a boy around my age step out of the tree line exactly where the wolf once came out and then re-entered.
He called out my name, “Scarlett!” He then ran up to me, picked me up and held me in his arms. I wasn't scared or freaked that I now had someone who I didn't know hugging me, calling my name, someone who seems to know me but I don't know them. I felt whole again, calm, happy. Just like how I felt around the wolf.
“W-who are you?” I asked once I was able to get some space. As I looked into his eyes I saw the same mesmerizing silver and gold eyes as I saw that the wolf had. I didn't need him to tell me, I didn't need to ask. I knew as soon as I looked in his eyes that he is the wolf I had seen not even five minutes ago. “You're the wolf I was just with...aren't you?”
He looked at me in shock, “How do you know that?”
“Your eyes. Their the same, I feel safe with you somehow, just like I felt when I was with the wolf. How can that be? I don't understand.”
“You feel the connection because I'm a wolf and we have soulmates, you Scarlett are my soulmate and I know you can't remember anything but I'm Phoenix your mate. I know you because we live here, in this house together, but someone took you and for years I couldn't find you. I knew that if you ever came back you wouldn't remember anything,” when Phoenix was saying this he sounded so broken, it hurt me to even listen to how broken his voice sounded, to see the heartbroken look in his eyes, it hurt so bad. “One morning I just woke up and you were gone, I saw blood by the window, on the walls, claw marks even. I was so scared that I might never see you again, that I might never get to hold you again, or see you walk down the aisle on our wedding day that we were planning. I saw a note that was left and that said I wouldn't find you. I broke down Scarlett, I really did.” By now Phoenix was crying as he told me about when I was taken. “I was so hurt. I couldn't understand why someone would take you from me, who would want to take you from me. We've never disturbed anyone, never made anyone angry or upset. I just can't understand why someone wanted to take you away from me. I was angry that someone had taken you, it only made m search for you harder. I never gave up looking for you, never. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had.”
I put my arms around him, crying too. After hearing him talk about what happened, after seeing our home again, I remember everything.
I remember the day we met and how nervous he got around me when he tried to come over and talk to me. I remember how even though I was nothing more than a big bookworm who spent all her time at the library or in a bookstore, he still loved me and had it in himself to not walk away from me. It didn't matter to him if I was a bit of an introvert, if I didn't really talk to other people that i didn't know, like his friends when he introduced me. He loved me from the minute he saw me and i could see how he was telling me the truth when he told me, i could see the love in his eyes.
I remember that one night he had everyone leave the house and after he made the both of us dinner he took me outside to the river. It was right where we were standing right now, and had blankets all over the rocks. He put up a white sheet in front of the trees and had a projector. All night he put on my favorite movies for me and we just laid there under the stars all night. When we were watching Beauty and the Beast, towards the end he asked me what I thought about spending the rest of our lives together. I looked at him and I didn't even give a verbal answer, all I did was lean over and kiss him gently, telling him that I thought it would be the best thing in the world, that it would make me the happiest girl in the world. He pulled out what looked like a custom made ring and asked me, if the love of his life would be so kind as to say yes to marrying him, I didn't have to think for one minute how I would answer him, of course I said yes. The rest of the night consisted of more movies, cuddles, kisses, and unremovable smiles plastered on our faces.
I remember our first disagreement during the wedding planning. Remember how we resolved the problem of what flowers we would have, what kind of food we would have. I especially remember the intense and happy feeling that ran through me every time I would look at the ring on my finger or every time I even thought of his name. From the night he put that ring on my finger we became even more inseparable than we already were.
I remember how happy the whole pack was about the engagement and how they congratulated us. They threw us a big surprise engagement party one day when we got home from having a lunch date. It was an amazing night full of congratulatory speeches and congratulations, laughing and joking, and just a lot of fun.
I remember it all, from the day we met to this moment right now. I felt so happy and safe now that I was back in my loving mates arms. It's the best feeling in the world to be back where I belong.
“Where is everybody?” I ask once I calm myself down, wanting to see the rest of the pack again after being gone for so long.
Phoenix looked down at me and gave me small smile, “everyone is inside. They missed you so much Scarlett, everybody has been lost without you.”
I silently take his hand and go towards the side of the house that was for all of the pack. Once I reach the door I turn the handle and open the door silently walking into the living room. I saw all the guys were inside of the huge living room, silently watching a movie. Everyone's back was facing me. I saw my best friend Alex and I ran over giving him a hug from behind.
Once I did that he turned around and cried. He wrapped his arms around me and didn't let go until Jace pulled him away to give me hug himself. He picked me up and spun me around, happy I was finally back.
Once Jace put me down he kissed my forehead and as I looked up everyone was staring at me, shocked that I was really here.
Andy was the first to break the silence, “Scarlett? Is that you?” In response I just nodded my head, smiling. He got up out of his seat and ran over to me using his enhanced speed, he moved so fast I could barely see him move. Next thing I know I'm enveloped into another hug, after a few moments I feel everyone else join in, a big hug with me in the middle of ten werewolves. I wasn't complaining though, these guys are my family and I love them all, it was also like being wrapped in a blanket burrito and cuddling with Phoenix, just not quite as good. Everybody was happy to see me and I was happy to see them. I was happy that I could remember them now.
After everyone let me go of the tight and warm hug I, after a few moments, heard the soft scratch of nails on the glossy and cool marble floor. I look to the direction of the noise and see the familiar sight of one of the little orphan wolf pups running up to me. “Tyler! Oh my little pup, I missed you so much.” I get down on my knees and open my arms wide for my little pup to jump into. I am then laying on the cold marble floor with Tyler on top of me licking my face all over. I laugh and smile widely as I hug him.
I hold him as I sit up and then put him in my lap and run my fingers through his fur. He wags his tail as I pet him and I smile. Andy breaks the silence “you know he's really missed you. He was the most devastated person here in the house next to Phoenix. They were the worst out of all of us when you were taken.”
I smile sadly but continue to run my fingers through his fur as he lays his head in my lap. I missed everyone terribly Phoenix, Tyler, Andy, Jace, Alex, Matt, Jackson, Noah, Cole, and Charlie. All ten of my lovable werewolves, I don't know how I could ever live without them and I don't wanna find out what it's like either.
After a few minutes I pick Tyler up and go sit at my spot on the couch and watch tv with my boys, Phoenix comes and sits next to me and I put my head on his shoulder. We all watch movies until it's time to eat dinner and Alex suggests we just order some pizza and we all agree. Charlie goes to the other room to order all the pizzas. About an hour later we hear a knock on the door and Andy goes to get the pizza, after he comes back with all the pizza he sits it down on the table and then we all dig in.
We all had a good time and for the rest of the night we stayed in the living room and watched movies. We all ended up grabbing blankets and pillows and all sleeping in the living room. I woke up from a nightmare and it started to thunderstorm and it was pouring rain outside. I do love this kind of weather but I also don’t like the dark, it’s one of the reasons that I like to sleep with christmas lights hanging in me and Phoenix's room.
I saw that there was still some of the hall lights on for anyone who needs it. I then decided to get up and walk to the kitchen to get something to drink and a midnight snack. I slowly and quietly got up after detaching myself from phoenix and then started walking to the kitchen. Once I was there I turned on the dim light so I could see better. I made my way to the cabinet where all the cups were kept and grabbed myself a glass then poured myself some water.
I thought I was alone in the kitchen, all the boys were asleep in the livingroom and it was only us in the house. I felt the presence of someone behind me and I was scared to turn around so I didn't.
“Hello princess…”
This was the voice of the man who tortured me for months. The man who took me away from my family and made me forget them. The man who took me away from my love, my mate. The same man who I thought would always be there for me and who I grew up with. The same man who has convinced himself that he loved me and that phoenix was the person who has taken me away from him.
When I heard his voice whisper in my ear I sucked in a breath out of shock and dropped the glass I was holding in my hand onto the cold marble floors. I was in too much shock and felt too much fear to move or scream and cry for help. The glass crashed to the floor with water spilling everywhere and Alec covered my mouth so I couldn’t cry for help. If he decided to take me again I wouldn’t have any of the boys to try and help me get away, I would just be gone. The boys would wake up, I would be gone and all that would be left would be the broken glass and spilled water on the floor.
The Man In The House
I walk up to an old house, surrounded by old, decaying, wilting, weeping trees. The house itself looks as if it has an unsettling personality.
From where I stand I can see the cracked and chipped paint. The floorboards of the porch look to be rotting away. The old shutters are broken and some are even hanging there by a nail.
Through some of the windows I can see the thin, dark, ripped curtains. Shadows of object's, cracked, old, and broken.
It could have been my imagination but through the top window I think I could see the shadow of a man looking down at me. I saw the red glowing eyes, sharp teeth through a wicked smile and the unsettling and tall shadow. I dismiss the thought that this person is even real or that if he is that he is dangerous.
As I take my things inside the seemingly old and broken white house, I see old and dusty blood red couches and chairs, what was once an elegant and beautifully made bookshelf that is filled with old, dusty, thick books.
Inside the house I can hear the moaning and groaning of the house and creaky floors. I can hear the moaning and creaking turn into weeping. It's like the house has a personality of its own.
When I look into a room I see the dusty and broken object's. I can hear the continuous weeping from the house, almost as if it's being haunted by it's past visitors.
I can see a dusty bed and chair in the corners of the dark room that is only lite by the dim glow of the moon. I can see the chips in the paint and glass.
Inside the house it feels and looks as if with each passing guests the light and life of the house, even the surroundings outside, have been and are continuing to be drained and is never coming back.
I set my things on the old bed with dusty covers. “I guess this is where I will be staying from now on,” I look around the room and see what's there. I lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and I hear soft footsteps coming down the hall.
The footsteps were coming toward the room that I was in, I got curious and slowly but soundly got off the bed and walked toward the door. I slowly peek my head around the corner of the door but no one was there in the hall. I dismissed the idea that I heard footsteps and go to turn around. When I turn around there is a man standing behind me. He has a wicked smile on his face, I see two sharp teeth that look to be fangs. I know it's no use in trying to scream for help, this house is in the middle of nowhere with no one around for miles and miles.
The man, I now realize, is the one I thought I saw in the window looking down at me. His eyes had a blood red iris and on a small outer ring it was pitch black. Underneath of his eyes you could see faint dark red and black veins. It reminded me of a creature I have read about when I was reading mythology stories.
It's said that this creature with blood red and black eyes, sharp and fang like teeth, it would thirst for blood, when it did the veins underneath of their eyes would start to show. It's said these creatures were very dangerous, they still could walk the earth with us. Any supernatural or mythological creature can still be walking among us.
It was kind of amazing to think about. The thought interested me immensely and I've always wanted to know if mythical creatures were actually living in the real world. This creature in front of me right now was proof that they were real.
To be continued…
“You should have told me. You should have told me you were bad for me.” You yelled at me.
I wanted to tell you a lot more than I said. I wanted to say how I did warn you, long ago too. I wanted to tell you that even after I warned you it was all on you when you decided to stay with me. I wanted to say that my behavior and what I did was also a constant warning. I wanted to get angry at you for yelling at me and I wanted to yell at you myself. But I didn't do that. I kept my mouth shut all because I loved you even if you didn't love me at the moment that you yelled at me. I truly loved and cared for you even if I didn't show it.
Because of the love that I have for you I stayed quiet and I let you yell at me all you wanted and needed to. It was all because I love you.
The Lovely Grim Reaper
The grim reaper is the one who takes lives. He is the one that causes destruction in the world. He devastates families and friends and loved ones. But most people don’t think about how death can be and is a lovely creature. Death is a part of life whether people want to believe so or not. Death is not only responsible for causing destruction and devastation in the world, that's not the only thing the Grim Reaper does. He also brings others together to grieve or to reunite with the ones they lost before those victims have had their lives taken.
The one and only Mr. Grim Reaper tears people apart, brings them together, and gives peoples a reason to let out emotions that are bottled up inside, he gives the living a push to do what they always want to do but are too scared to do it. The Grim Reaper will visit everyone some point, bringing bad news behind him wherever he goes, whoever he visits next.
I also believe the Grim Reaper is a lovely creature because he is also in love with life and purity. He can see how lovely life is but he never can experience it himself. Instead of living he is the one forced to bring bad news, destruction, pain, anger, sadness and death wherever he goes. He is the one who isn't only in pain but he feels the pain himself and everyday he is beside himself with nobody to care for him. The Grim Reaper is an innocent being and he is misunderstood.
The Grim Reaper is in fact a lovely being that is forced to endure a pain nobody can understand. He is the one forced to lead a life he was not wanting, a life where his previous life was no better.
The Grim Reaper is a lovely being and he is deeply misunderstood.
My soulmate
My perfect soulmate would me sweet and kind to me. They would give me all the hugs, kisses, and cuddles that I need and want. They would make sure I would wake up to a good morning text and they would call me just because they miss me. They would take me out and be a perfect gentleman, open doors for me and take me out to a movie or a romantic dinner. They would ask about the day I've had or how I'm feeling and they would care about how I would feel.
My soulmate would look like the most handsome/beautiful person in the world. That would be because of their personality. The personality they have would be what is beautiful to me and the way they would love me is how I want my soulmate.
The Man Outside
I see the dark shadow of a man outside of my bedroom window. I wondered to myself how he could be outside my window, my bedroom was on the third story and you can't possibly have a way up to my balcony. I see the red eyes of the man, the eyes of something evil and demonic. I didn't have to look closely at him. I didn't have to know what he was or who he was to know that this man was someone that would hurt me. He was someone who would not reason. He would give no explanation as to what he would do or why.
I could see the dark energy that he emitted. Energy that meant he was a bad soul and that he was in fact evil.
I was scared because I knew he would be unpredictable in what he would do to me. I've heard the stories and the urban legends and myths about the dark shadowed man with the red eyes. I've heard what he would do to his victims. I've heard that the bodies have been nearly unrecognizable, like they have been mulled by a vicious animal.
Seeing this man outside my window scared the life out of me and I prayed that I would survive and not be killed by the hands of this man.