Bachelor life
In this song, I feel the lonliness echo off the curves of my body
floating through the air, I want this
part of me greys, I wish I was older
I mourn my uncharted territory
as I explore yours
I move and I release, a lovesick
sadness, staining my fingers
I wipe it away. I don't want to stain anything
I don't want people to know
in my truth, I see the hue of blue
but you don't
no one does
my hips on yours
I can't help but wish for
something else
something more
what is it that people have?
our relationships an illusion
to me, in a brighter light
it seems so real
but it's always in the dark
in every breath, I sigh
will you love me?
Oh please, someone try to see
that fragile line
between you and me, I can
easily breakable
wanting to break
can you find me?
I'm here. I wish I didn't want this.
But I do, and I feel you twirl
my hair through your fingers
hand on my cheek, its
so real
you find my end
but I'm still looking for it
isn't that funny? How does the author not pen
the end of the story? I just
I don' know. I just feel. and I reach our
I reach through that empty space, for
the dream. I know. I still want something,
Of my own.
only in the small intervals of wanting
I feel you come
Get closer.
I wish you were closer...
I wish you were real
I wish someone was mine.