At the end of the ¤=]::Game::>
₩inter came, and it was practically pornographic.
§now fell with (hail/hale), in both ways you could grasp that; the “may he rest in peace” way or “a cold habitat precipitating gray
All day” sense; the sexy series ended at that, that is.
§ince that IS the case the leaders face a meet at the place they, by default, must wind up.
§nowed in till winters end in the den of the kings sworn men, the knights ; who watched as it sumed up.
€very last, lasting-leader seems to almost concede, though really they just killed eachother so very subtley; in a cast wide, Checkmate-like Orgy;
ฯn that seedy thrown room, all went deceased without a fight.
For, the members of this shrewd crew pre-boning did not think to Check their Mate’s first,
And so they all died
(of H.I.V)
C’est la vie!