At the end of the ¤=]::Game::>
₩inter came, and it was practically pornographic.
§now fell with (hail/hale), in both ways you could grasp that; the “may he rest in peace” way or “a cold habitat precipitating gray
All day” sense; the sexy series ended at that, that is.
§ince that IS the case the leaders face a meet at the place they, by default, must wind up.
§nowed in till winters end in the den of the kings sworn men, the knights ; who watched as it sumed up.
€very last, lasting-leader seems to almost concede, though really they just killed eachother so very subtley; in a cast wide, Checkmate-like Orgy;
ฯn that seedy thrown room, all went deceased without a fight.
For, the members of this shrewd crew pre-boning did not think to Check their Mate’s first,
And so they all died
(of H.I.V)
C’est la vie!
A small, retro microphone rises out of a deserted plain in front of a veiled figure flanked by a suitable number of dragons. The figure lifts gauntlet-obscured hands to the hood and throws it back to reveal that the figure is none other than George R. R. Martin. He smiles one of those little half smiles of his and chuckles. He’s wearing that beret he likes so much. Clearing his throat and pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, George begins, “And now, for a look back at those we’ve lost.”
Another hooded figure strolls up next to George with a large, leather-bound tome, and, with every name spoken by George, the figure turns to a page with a beautifully-drawn image of said character who had passed away tragically at some point in the series. Then, when the names had all been read, the hooded figure and George would lock arms and sing, “My Way”--made popular by Frank Sinatra. I smell an Emmy.
To Take Back
Everyone had thought there would be a winner. That someone would finally win at this so-called "Game of Thrones", and that somehow peace would return to the land. I don't think that anyone expected the disaister that occured. The image of land scorched by both the fire and the cold, life and color leached from it with every passing day. In the end, no one survived. The war ended only when there were no more people left to fight, save for a few peasants that were able to safely hide away. Even those who survived didn't go unscathed, their families and friends gone, and any other survivors paranoid. In truth, the Game of Thrones was won not by a person, but by the ravaged and broken lands that it was fought upon.