How is She?
i never thought it would happen
i never thought i would see it
he was wrapped around in her arms
he was kissing her with his heart
he texted me to come and see him
but i came earlier then expected
she wore a red dress, dark eyes
her hair fell around her shoulders
i choked knowing he cheated on me
but i could not confront him at all
i just watched them kissing, oh, oh
how depraved i felt, the urge to
run from there was proof enough
but what was the point of seeing
both of us together, she was sexy
while i was humble and polite
i could see why he wanted her
she was cool and sophisticated
while i wore jeans and t-shirts
she was beautiful and courageous
i never wanted to kiss in public
i just walked over to him, oh, oh
how it hurts when i tap his arm
he whirls around and jumps
i give him his ring and i solemly
say thats it’s finally over, our love
never survived and totally died
in the math of the most cold hearted
embarrassing situation of cheating
i turn around and miss the ring
on my finger and wish that i could
have him back but i know deep
in my heart that its really over!