Everything Seems Dull
Everything seems to end when the Sun
Everything seems to end when the trees
Everything seems to end when we run out
of tears,
Nonetheless, it is not like that.
Everything continues, even if you are
Even if you stay,
These crystal sentiments,
Who is going to take them away?
Neither ending, nor remaining alive are
They just go on and on, and on, and on,
Does not matter what may happen,
I feel blind, I feel waned, I feel alone.
Penumbras everywhere, and she, the
light, never comes to dissipate the storm.
Surrounded by books, surrounded by
letters, surrounded by everything,
Yet nothing,
What one can do with a sentiment like
The hand interprets it, the pen speaks it,
and the author never expresses it.
Only silence that remains and never goes
DA 2012