The perfect around the corner is always greener
There are times that I wish,
That for one time in my life
I will know something perfect,
Something that has no drawback.
I hope to do a thing,
It seems a perfect setup,
But there is always that
Fly in the ointment.
Something must not work right.
Something's got to burn.
What is that fly doing there?
Why must everything end ,
End tragically, end disappointingly.
Couldn’t we all just catch a break.
Couldn’t eating the cake
not remove from whole.
But everything comes at a cost.
This rule of life we must not forget.
By getting perfection,
We would remove some base outcome.
How about all those lovers of flies,
They’ll raise a row about their txtureless cream.
My perfection will take from them,
Just as their satisfaction, detracts from mine.
Perhaps the only truth is that there is no perfection,
But it could be that a perfection does exist,
Giving us all a headache..