An eternal flame within me flickers,
Sparked by a shooting star,
Embers before extinguished,
By tragedies repetoire,
Magic once thought abandoned,
Glimmers with lost light,
Giving breath to a helpless soul,
That had forgotten how to fight,
The candle continues burning,
Regardless the flood of tears,
The heart that keeps on beating,
Raging against the pain and fears,
Be seen despite you scars,
Show you are strange and odd,
Care in spite of your wrongs,
Accept being perfectly flawed,
In action lays the truth,
Words just chaotic glyphs,
Assuming victims life reality,
And our heroes are all but myths,
Demons counting the sins,
Shouting in your head contrite,
Angels with you always,
In both fall and flight,
Distracting ourselves with suicide,
Killing for a way to cope,
Wandering broken in the dark,
Held together by stitches and hope,
Familiar hells below us,
Dreaming of a heaven above,
Remember flaws are not,
If by just one person loved.