Conflict of desires...
Everyone knows what it is like to be stretched between two desires. Choose two of those desires which come up most often in your life and conflict with each other. What is it like to be torn between the two? Can be serious or silly, poetry or prose.
Both and, Neither nor...
There is a gloom enshrouds me
midst solitude and company
...seems an abyss before me...
-So stretched am I, worn and hiding-
No comfort, no relief
both agony and grief
wretchedness and pain
seeking friendship and silence
in one place
My mind numb,
my heart worn,
my soul upon the rack,
how long until I’m torn?
because of crowded halls and empty walls
I mourn.
I am and I desire
both and, neither nor.
Wherein lies the middle way?
There my soul should gladly stay
Midst loneliness and overcompany,
my heart there waits for me.