Imaginary Sky
The sky
Running roads in the horizon
Ivory cobblestones
The architecture spotless
As rain drops fall
To bring forth life
From the earth below
The sky
Crumbling cake
Little pieces of azure
That start to crack and break
Spiderwebs spun
From the layers of atmosphere
An intricate pattern
Carved into the edges
Of the visible universe
The sky
Tumbling down
Massive boulders
Sky scrappers
Cloud cities
Shatter like ice
Shards of sadness
Of lost hope
And dying wishes
Disappearing before our eyes
The sky
Is fake
As pixels
Ravage the sky
A clash of codes
Let battle angels fly
In the armeggedon
Abandoned reason
Anarchy reigning
A demonic expression
Sinister grin
Blood-red eyes
Of the darkness hidden
By the shield of ignorance
That was the sky
But now we know the truth
As the heavens die
The sky was a cover
Hiding reality
For the world was nothing
But a mere simulation