For God’s sake don’t. Sounds like I’m wrong, right? Like I’m the one person here you shouldn’t listen to - but listen to that. You listening? That sound is silence. Right now, you’re alone and it’s quiet and you’re fine. Happy, maybe, or at least okay. But I promise you. Find the “one?” and that same sound will break your heart. Silence will become a wasteland and the dust beneath your feet will be the finely shattered pieces of your heart. Like sand they’re so small - no turning back the clock and no piecing it together. Find the “one,” and you’ll find that you’ll never sit in silence again without thinking of her, seeing her face...wishing she saw yours. You’ll never sleep without that gnawing itch to hear her voice and hold her hand. Squeeze it and interlock your fingers so you can’t lose her - your “one.” Find the “one,” and you can kiss your dreams good bye. The old, good dreams, because she’s all you’ll dream about from then on and all you’ll want all the time, like a drug that never wears off. Forever. Not scary enough to back you off, huh? Still praying for Cupid’s trigger happy angst? Well, just remember one thing, you find the “one,” better hope she wants to be found...and by you or she’ll be your “one” and you’ll be her “none.” You still want it? Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.