Subject. Lying. and Truth.
I play by my own rules. and most of the time, I don't even play by those. I'm the boss. and as boss. I am giving you permission to do whatever you want to do. Because that is easiest for me. Also. its volunteer work. so i ain't paying you nothing. just be glad you don't have to pay me. to be your boss. so you're welcome. i guess.
believe, believe in your own truth.
if you believe in your own lie, it becomes truth.
slippery words, look them straight in the eyes.
keep it simple. keep it short.
don’t overexplain.
say it with the confidence of someone who believes they are telling the truth.
mind over matter.
pull the wool over their eyes and your own.
don’t let them look too hard.
what lie? it’s the truth.
there are no lies here, only a girl convincing you of a truth that doesn't exist.
and i will succeed.