Challenge of the Week CXXX
Have Faith. Write about the consequences of having faith in something, or someone. Does it go well? Or does it crash and burn? Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Inalienable Rights
My belief is that Faith
a woman for all seasons
for all men who have faith
that Faith will render
what they believe is due
under inalienable rights.
Yes, it’s written
in the men’s constitution
under faith and forbearance
that their long held faith
will yield Faith on a platter.
What a relief that their belief
is promised in the Book
of Men’s Rights
but please let Faith know
since it’s her assumption
that men have no bearing
upon her intimate beliefs.
Feeling outright relief
Faith scorns the men
with their prurient beliefs
has no faith in their lies
will not be their prize!