Challenge of the Week CXXX
Have Faith. Write about the consequences of having faith in something, or someone. Does it go well? Or does it crash and burn? Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Dear Dad
I was young, I didn’t know any better
But you said I’m yours and you said forever
The first arms to hold me, the first lips to kiss me goodnight
And I know you only left to do what was right
Sure I was young, I didn’t know any better
But you said you’re mine, and you said forever
So where are you now Daddy, I know they need you but so do I
I know you said to be strong, but I just want to cry
Sure I was young, I didn't know any better
But you said we’ll be together and you said forever
I put my faith in you because you were always so strong
I was sure you would come back to me but I guess I was wrong
Sure I was young I didn’t know any better
But now I’m all grown up and I don’t beleive in forever