Discover what lies within
Words leave me jumbled
At certain times
When I try to speak my mind
They sound so perfect in my head
Bouncing off the walls
Of my cranium
Inside, they sound divine, sublime
And when I'm calm, composed
When I feel just right
The words may tumble out
Like they're supposed to
If not exact, at least similar
But how often is it
That I'm completely in control
Not as often, as I'd like
Instead I'm a warehouse of emotions
One dormant, asleep
The other awake, wreaking havoc
Anger, misery
Enthusiasm, pure energy
Leave my words tangled
When they try to surface
I can salvage what comes out
Make it seem prettier than it seems
Hell, we're all masters of this craft
But only I know
How it's supposed
To be, how my words are those of true beauty
And only you know
How your thoughts
Mismatch what you speak
Wouldn't you rather let the world know
The colorful truth that lies within
Your unique, unfathomable soul?
I decided that I wanted
To let it out, the way I see it in my head
I thrust my words left unspoken
Onto a pen, a paper, a keyboard, a laptop
Into written medium, whatever the medium
And I discovered
That the beauty which lay before me, once I was finished
Was far better than what was once trapped in my head
Far, far better, stronger, wiser
Now wouldn't you like to see
What you're truly made of?
Wouldn't you like to let,
The world in on your elegance too?
If not for the rest of us,
Write for yourself
Believe me, once I started
I just couldn't stop