My chest tightens up, rib cage crushing my lungs..
The pressure builds but I can’t decide where from.
Voicebox swells but still I yell,
Gasping for air in between.
My intentions always clear to myself..
However, not a soul seems to understand.
Why do I always have to feel this way?
Will I ever be able to stop?
They say catch it before it happens,
But what if it happens before you can think?
How do I recognize the size of a storm,
By the ripples of a sail?
Everything feels like my fault; pain, confusion, fear, anxiety.
Somehow I do it to myself..
The most destructive thing to me is myself,
Does that mean I deserve it all?
How do I escape the crushing darkness that is my mind?
I breathe so fast it makes me nauseous.
How can I finally breathe, when it’s myself I’m choking?