Bring your Evil.
Same deal, I get to pick the one I like the best, and that one gets lunch on me. No limits, no requirements to form. I will say I'm not looking for your vampires or other classics, but that doesn't mean you can't submit them anyway. Do your worst.
Is That So Bad?
Where is the line between good and evil drawn?
Is it good that I gave up my afternoons to help my friend even when I was exhausted?
Is it good that I made my boyfriend cookies even though I couldn’t afford it?
Is it good that I stayed up to finish my work although I knew I would have splitting head aches the next day?
Was it bad that I did all of the things above just to keep myself from feeling guilty?
Was it bad that although I did everything for someone else, I had to do it for me.
Was it bad, was it selfish that I do so much for me? I do so much for me and claim it’s for someone else.
Is that so bad?