And because every man is made of crystal;
And every woman is made of steel
Where you try to find white
But you end up submerged in black
Where you try to encounter roses
But end up finding only weeds
Where you try to drink from a pond of fresh water
But you taste all its saltiness
When you expect to open your eyes to a clear sky
But its only ashy Heaven
Where you expect to find harmony
But everything is harmonious chaos
Where you expect to find life
But it's only a barren land
Where you expect the sun to warm you up
But all you can feel is demonic frostbite
Expect this:
I'll be there
I'll be smallest butterfly
Flying in the middle of the storm
I'll be the weakest keystone of the Everest
I'll be the breeze that feeds your lungs
You'll be my life and I'll be yours
I'll be every possible cliche, just for you
However, I will always be the man that truly loves you...
DA 2015