Doctor of the Self
I look at you in the surface of the water and I see
something broken
something to be fixed
I see a crack in the ice that you call your face
no longer immovable, untouchable; melting
You see I am a Doctor and not the medical kind
the kind who self diagnoses, who knows without knowing
that you have an incurable illness
When I say I look at you as the water ripples across your paper face
breaking it down and washing it away with the mask
I really mean that it had only taken me so long to realize
that I hadn’t been speaking to someone else
It only took me so long to realize that I had been
yelling at my own reflection
I am a Doctor
a Doctor of the self
I have a PhD in anxiety and a masters in depression
I got my bachelors in sadness when I was only eight years old
I was advanced
though only now do I realize that advanced is not necessarily conducive with good
I look at me in the surface of the water growing ever colder and I see
something broken
something to be fixed
I see a ripple in the ocean on which I am reflected
and I realize I am no longer looking into the water
I am drowning in it
But there still is my reflection
a smile plastered on its face