It’s like looking in a mirror
You see all the cracks.
You may feel cursed.
The cracks are a burden.
The cracks may be perfect to you.
"My imperfections are beautiful."
Some people don’t know love.
They look at themselves and see only the cracks.
No beauty or love.
They try to tape them, glue them, anything to make them forget.
But they still see the thin like from where they broke.
So it's all they see of themselves.
Others love too much.
They run around, going from one to another.
They don't see the cracks and embrace them.
Personal gain
Whatever you call it.
They do it just for that, and not the beautiful imperfections.
Then there are the ones who see them.
But they don't care.
They embrace the cracks, no matter how big or small.
And they love for who you are.
They may not even care for your mirror.
They only care......
For you.