Holes In My Heart
I used to fill holes in my heart with the white stuff dentists use to fill people's teeth. after realizing it would only last six months before I had to get them filled again, you'd think that I'd become smarter and use something stronger and I did. I used concrete but that was too heavy and left a gross taste in my mouth if I filled the hole up too high. That happened a lot. It was chipped away by picks in the hands of people around me, leaving a dusty pile on the ground in a matter of seconds. What could I use that would fix these holes in my heart!? rubber? no, it would just stretch till it breaks. Wood? no, it would just rot from the salty tears trailing onto my chest. lead is too hard to come by and not to mention the environment... I didn't notice, though. through my thinking and questioning, the holes healed themselves. It wasn't until I noticed it didn't hurt to stretch and I didn't have to pull my organs back into my body when I moved that the holes had healed themselves. Wow, that could've a whole lot easier and quicker if I had just let myself heal on its own and on its own time.