There are lies in this world, lies that build up on each other, lies that contradict each other until the truth is eventually revealed.
Our lives revolve around truthful lies and false truths.
We were raised to be seekers of the truth, always being true to ourselves and to everyone around us. Lies, they'd tell us, are wrong. Lies are a pathetic attempt to cover up wrongdoings, lies are just a veil over what really happened. A veil over the truth. The truth, they'd tell us, is always right. The truth is a fact. Something that cannot be contradicted, for the truth is what it is: true. While one lie leads to another, eventually bringing us to our own destruction, the truth guides us through our lives, when we face the consequences of our own actions with courage, when we deliver the truth for what it is. The truth, they'd tell us, doesn't make life easy, but it does make life easier. The truth is a weapon against lies, a fear that haunts the dreams of liars.
So why is it, that the truth really, really hurts?
Truth is an instrument, one that we play for our ears and others', one that will bring closure to all our questions. An instrument that, like all others, have to be played at the right time, or not at all. Telling the truth at the wrong time may serve to spark a fire that was better left undisturbed. Sometimes, I'd say, ignorance may indeed be bliss.
We were raised to be seekers of the truth, always being true to ourselves and to everyone around us. Lies, they'd tell us, are wrong, while the truth is always right. But we were not raised to play instruments, and we struggle every day of our lives, trying to play the tune of absolute truth, every slip up leading to a string of false melodies.
We were raised to be seekers of the truth, yet we lack the knowledge to play the instrument. All that's left in the chaos are songs of half-truths and white lies.
Our lives revolve around truthful lies and false truths, but we never stop playing.