We Sang Together
This is something I would have never done but I did it. I spoke to this Security Officer. She spoke to me then all of a sudden she broke out in a song that I love. I just ran with it and began to sing with her. We sound so go together. She told me the name of the church she want to. I told her I don’t go to church anymore but I am a very spiritual person. I needed to hear that “Yes Jesus Loves Me” took me back to the days when I was on a choir. We sang a few bars. We both felt so good she told me she has to sing that song because people have no respect when she tells them to move their cars. I was in my feelings but we made each other feel good for that short amount of time. It made me smile for the rest of the day and I went home cooked dinner, listened to some gospel music on my phone, and asked Alexa to play me some updated gospel music. Still listening it got me in a place that’s up lifting and feeling good. Makes me want to go back to Church. Not sleepy yet still up in the wee hours in the morn until I go upstair to bed.