There was once a girl. She was kind with a heart of gold. Diamond blue eyes and brunette hair.
She then met this man. Wooden eyes and a black heart.
They never fell in love, but they got married. Then they had a daughter. Blonde little girl with diamond eyes and heart, like her mother. Sensitive.
The man never knew his own strangth. Always hurt the mother and daughter. Never remembering it.
When the girl was 7 years old, the mother ran from the man. Divorce.
The daughter shared time with both parents. The dad abused her greatly, putting her in the hospital for suicide.
Thats when th man with a heart as black as night, relized...
He has been slowly killing this young girl, only 13.
The mother looked down a the daughter snapped at him, nodding. Everything the girl said was true..
The man swore he would get better.
He swore he would stop drugs.
He swore he would check on the girl and talk to her more.
The mother said that she would take care of the girl more and make sure she feels loved, That her and her new husband would make sure she is safe.
The woman with a heart of gold had a daughter with a heart of diamond.
They think alike. Talk alike.
They do everything alike.
The stepdad. Eyes of the moon in the night sky. Heart of gold like the mother.
Has a thing for music like the daughter.
Has a thing for reading like the mother.
Is always there for moth through the nightmares.
He is like the mother.
He is like the daughter.
He is not like the father.
And thats a good thing.