King of thieves song by Christina Grimme
Coming home the locks broken and the doors wide open it's all gone it's all gone now. I look around it's just white walls listen now to echo it's all gone it's all gone now. [Ever since you broke into me ever since you left with the key I can't open up for anyone anymore anymore. You took the sun the moon and the stars I'm walking all alone in the dark you stole my heart you stole my heart give it back to me all of the love we made here is gone I'm living in an empty house of cards give it back to me king of thieves king of thieves your the king of thieves king of the king of.] Inside I'm hollow you carved my heart out it's all gone it's all gone now. Cause you dealt a cold hand I'm stripped to nothing. Take it all take it all yeah yeah....………[chorus] I'll play the victim cause you planned it out like cops and robbers just to surrender now. [chorus]