We all go through heart breaks we can not help it. Sometimes it's. Family heart break sometimes it's a different kind of heart break like somebody you thought you'd spend your whole life with breaks your heart. It's okay though. Because the people who are meant to be in our lives are the ones who stay through anything.
Just me!
I am just me. Me myself and I. I am not popular I am not skinny but I do have one thing I am a wonderful person with a wonderful personality most people look at me and think oh she will never do anything with her life well you are wrong. I may not have found love but alas I am me. Me myself and I. And nothing will ever change that.
Broken Girl
There is a girl I once knew she was the happiest little girl I'd ever seen her smile was as bright as the sun her laugh was as sweet as the candy canes in Christmas. One day her parents told her bad news she didn't understand it at first but soon she began to understand what was going on in her life. This little girl with her bright smile and sweet laugh began to grow cold her smile less bright her laugh less sweet with in a few months not even her own best friend could recognize her her smile began to fade from brightness to darkness completely her laugh was no more. She began to grow cold for she was bullied in school for being over weight she was never popular in school she kept to her self and along the way picked up a friend or two but her life always pulls get back to that news her parents have her some many years before. She is still among us today some have even seen her I have yet to see the girl with a smile as bright as the sun and a laugh as sweet as the candy canes at Christmas. Who is this girl you may ask? Before I end my little poem I would like to anwser your question with another question. The broken girl is somebody you all know she's your friends maybe your daughter or granddaughter so therefore: who is this broken girl I speak of?
Go on take a guess I triple dog dare ya.
Love is one if those things we don't really know it's happening until one day we let three little words slip out "I love you" those words can either make or break a relationship if they are said too early they can feel like a burden if they are said at the right time they can make your heart soar. Of course if your me than you feel like you are alone in the world you feel like love isn't the thing for you. I often think that I will never really find love. And even if I don't that's okay with me I don't need a guy to be happy although it would be nice to have somebody to hold me at night and kiss me good morning even wen my hair is a wreck and it's all over the place. It would be nice.
You make my heart beat
I used to think that falling in love made us weak but really it makes us human. As Damon once to elena in the vampire dairies we want a love that consumes us we all want passion and adventure and even a little bit if danger. Damon and Elena are one of my favorite couple because despite all odds they always love one another unconditionally. Elena didn't always love Damon though she loved Stefan but there is an old saying if you really loved the first than you wouldn't have fallen for the second and I am not saying elena didn't love Stefan it's just not the kind if love she has for Damon. Stefan will always be Elena's friend but Damon and Elena are destiny. Just like my fiend Alex and myself. Somehow in the universe keeps pulling he and I together and I can't explain it maybe he and I are dopplergangers torn apart by a cruel force. Who knows all I know is that I will always love him and he makes my heart beat.
I’m just like you.
I may not be beautiful I may not be smart but I am just like you all I want in my life is to find my place in the world. People scream people run. They think I am a monster but all I want in my life is to find my place and I am just like you. Next time you see me please don't run from me just simply say hi ask me how my day was. You won't regret it. All I want is a friend. Will you be that friend? I am just like you.
King of thieves song by Christina Grimme
Coming home the locks broken and the doors wide open it's all gone it's all gone now. I look around it's just white walls listen now to echo it's all gone it's all gone now. [Ever since you broke into me ever since you left with the key I can't open up for anyone anymore anymore. You took the sun the moon and the stars I'm walking all alone in the dark you stole my heart you stole my heart give it back to me all of the love we made here is gone I'm living in an empty house of cards give it back to me king of thieves king of thieves your the king of thieves king of the king of.] Inside I'm hollow you carved my heart out it's all gone it's all gone now. Cause you dealt a cold hand I'm stripped to nothing. Take it all take it all yeah yeah....………[chorus] I'll play the victim cause you planned it out like cops and robbers just to surrender now. [chorus]
Slowly slipping into madness.
I am slowly slipping into madness which way should I go should I take the way that is easy or should I take the hard way. If I take the easy way than I'm having everything handed to me in a sliver platter but if take the hard way I have to work for everything I get in life. Madness is taking it's toll on me. I am slowly slipping into madness waiting for somebody to take my hand and pull me back into sanity. I am slowly slipping into madness. Won't somebody help me! I am slowly........ Slipping ........... Into .................................. Madness!
Love like Hazel grace.
I want a love like Hazel grace from the fault in our stars she has Augustus waters he tries so hard to find a way to get Hazel grace to love him but she already does she falls in love with him the way you fall asleep slowly than all at once. It would be nice to find somebody who loved me the way Hazel grace and Augustus waters love one another. Just once I would like to feel loved.