You make my heart beat
I used to think that falling in love made us weak but really it makes us human. As Damon once to elena in the vampire dairies we want a love that consumes us we all want passion and adventure and even a little bit if danger. Damon and Elena are one of my favorite couple because despite all odds they always love one another unconditionally. Elena didn't always love Damon though she loved Stefan but there is an old saying if you really loved the first than you wouldn't have fallen for the second and I am not saying elena didn't love Stefan it's just not the kind if love she has for Damon. Stefan will always be Elena's friend but Damon and Elena are destiny. Just like my fiend Alex and myself. Somehow in the universe keeps pulling he and I together and I can't explain it maybe he and I are dopplergangers torn apart by a cruel force. Who knows all I know is that I will always love him and he makes my heart beat.