A Light Year is a Unit of Distance.
The popular notion of "Trust Issues" would suggest, "I do not trust easily."
So popular, isn't it?
I will tell you:
To trust hesitantly is not an issue, anymore than a light year would portray time.
Caution is caution, and mustn't be mistaken.
The common love-assuring phrase out there is evidently, "I love you to the moon and back."
This sentiment never misses the cake, does it?
My imploration would be, to you who uses that phrase, Tell the vast galaxy what exactly what you mean.
Insanity is insanity, and any form of it must be scrutinized.
The widest approved conception of love firmly asserts, 'Love at First Sight.'
Now that's not true, is it?
The beauteous view of stars is a time-intensive investment to a tune of years.
A shooting star is a shooting star, short lived, and must not be replaced by anything else.
To READILY TRUST in a world of hypocrisy, only that, would fit the truest logic of Trust Issues.
To love unrestrainingly, to the lengths of between planets, in a world of unbalancing interests is nothing short of insanity.
To think of your love as one of a first sight, instantly procured, is the height of fallacy in a world of sensuality and prevalent lust.
I realize that,
In many of these views I'm a lone ranger, but so be it, if in holding therein my conscience settles.
The beautiful universe, the lovely stars, the perfect celestial order, the synchronous patterns of the vast worlds... These all, are the working of a Master Artist. Even so, perfecting love calls for your careful and artistic approaches.