I'm scared.
I'm scared of what's going to happen if I get laid off. I'm scared of the neverending possibility of THINGS to happen and I can't do anything.
You can.
I'm scared of the security I've built for myself. I'm scared of my dependence on security every two weeks.
You're more than that.
I'm scared of how my body beats sparradicly and my brain becomes narrow minded and i can't see anything else in front of me except what I can and cant survive on.
Your body fights for your soul.
I'm scared my died habits will resurrect and slither out of my edges cuts and bruises, making me someone I do not want to be.
You know so much more now than you did then.
I'm scared for the endless abyss beneath me that really was always there, just covered in straight edged glasses with prescription lenses.
You are spirit who doesn't need security.
You see you are scared of what's to come but
do remember when this happened last time?
You ressurected from the ashes and you soared in the sky
You are older, wiser, stronger. You are healthier
You are doing this not for everyone else, but for yourself.
You are doing this because you've chosen your own survival, not everyone elses.
You see, this is your life.
And you understand that now.
And I have the power to create whatever I want. To be whoever I am.
I am scared. I feel like I am going to die.
Yes you may feel that, and you are also brave. And resilisent. And deteremeined. And assertive. And resourceful.
Look at the colored parts of youself too.